economy and politics

National workshop on generating climate change and disasters indicators for policy decision-making in Saint Kitts and Nevis


The Caribbean region is acutely threatened by climate change, particularly the Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Saint Kitts and Nevis is no exception. The country is situated in the tropical cyclone belts and is directly exposed to the forces of the oceans. And as a small geographical area, disasters might affect vast proportions of the country.

Availability of quality statistics and indicators are crucial to effectively respond to the effects of climate change and build resilience.

Against this backdrop, the ECLAC´s Statistics Division and the Subregional Headquarter for the Caribbean, in collaboration with the Sustainable Development and Human Settlements Division, are joining forces to enhance the production and use of key indicators and metrics to monitor and adapt to the effects of climate change and strengthen Environmental Information Systems (EIS). These efforts, supported by the Development Account of the United Nations, aim to boost the environmental pillar of the 2030 Agenda and improve policy coherence in the implementation of the Escazú Agreement, the Revised St. George´s Declaration (SGD 2040), the SAMOA Pathway, the Paris Agreement, and the Sendai Framework.

  1. Train the participants to build selected environment, climate change and disaster indicators and its metadata.
  2. Identify data and capacity gaps to develop an Environmental Information System (EIS) and build a regional resilience platform.
  3. Have a better understanding of how geospatial data can enhance the use of environment, climate change and disaster indicators for effective decision making
Expected outcomes
  1. At least five prioritized climate change and disasters indicator and its metadata are available at the end of the workshop.
  2. A selection of prioritized indicators from the Global Set of Climate Change Indicators are identified for Saint Kitts and Nevis
  3. Follow up steps to build further selected climate change and disasters indicators are agreed to with the national focal points from the Department of Statistics and the Ministry of Environment and Cooperatives.

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