
Museveni’s son apologizes to Kenya after saying Uganda could take Nairobi ‘in two weeks’

Museveni's son apologizes to Kenya after saying Uganda could take Nairobi 'in two weeks'

Oct. 14 (EUROPA PRESS) –

Muhoozi Kainerugaba, son of the Ugandan president, Yoweri Museveni, has apologized to Kenya after the controversy over his recent statements on the social network Twitter in which he stated that he could take Nairobi “in two weeks”, which led to his dismissal as Chief of the Land Army.

“I have never had any problem with (William) Ruto,” he said, referring to the current Kenyan president. “If I made a mistake at any point, I ask you to forgive me like a younger brother. God bless Africa,” he said in a new message on Twitter.

Museveni, who hours after the controversy dismissed his son as head of the Army and on Wednesday publicly apologized to Kenya for his offspring’s statements, nevertheless decided to promote him to the rank of general, something that was criticized by the opposition, who came to ask for a court martial against him.

In his messages, Kainerugaba described former President Uhuru Kenyatta as “an older brother” — who recently left office after serving the two mandates set by the Constitution — and lamented that he did not return to the polls, which could strain the relations with the new authorities in Nairobi.

Subsequently, Museveni’s son continued to post messages on his Twitter account, where he spoke of a “revolution” that Kenyans “will soon know about”. “It would only take me and my Army two weeks to take Nairobi,” he said, before asking “where should I live once the (Ugandan) Army takes Nairobi.”

Following this, the Ugandan government distanced itself from Kainerugaba’s remarks, stressing that it “does not conduct its foreign policy and other official activities through social media nor does it rely on social media sources to discuss matters with other sovereign governments.”

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