economy and politics

Miguel Ángel Rodríguez assures that this Tuesday the Supreme Court will charge the State Attorney General

Miguel Ángel Rodríguez assures that this Tuesday the Supreme Court will charge the State Attorney General

Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, chief of staff of the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has assured on the social network an alleged revelation of secrets that, according to him, the prosecution had committed by denying a hoax published by the newspaper El Mundo. The origin of the case is in Ayuso’s own chief of staff, who hours after revealed the tax fraud of the partner of the president of Madrid, businessman Alberto González Amador, leaked from the phone with which he communicates with the press from the Community of Madrid to various media outlets that the Prosecutor’s Office had offered an agreement to the president’s partner to plead guilty. The newspaper El Mundo was the first to publish this information, which was later reproduced in other media that added another part of Rodríguez’s message that implied that the prosecutor’s agreement had been stopped by “orders from above.”

Both El Mundo and other publications gave credibility to the amputated email that Rodríguez sent to various newsrooms, but which in reality was the response to a previous one sent almost a month earlier to the prosecutor’s office in which Ayuso’s partner, through a lawyer , recognized two crimes of tax fraud and tried to agree on a sentence that did not imply his entry into prison. The first email, the one that the defense of Ayuso’s partner, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez and media such as The Objective and Libertad Digital did not publish, was written by Alberto González Amador’s lawyers to the prosecution and began like this: “Certainly two crimes have been committed against the Public Treasury”. The email was sent to a generic email address of the Madrid prosecutor’s office on February 2, one month and ten days before exclusively revealed the tax fraud. And long before Ayuso said that it was the Treasury that owed money to her partner and tried to blame a conspiracy by the powers of the State against the person with whom she lives in a luxury apartment purchased months after the deception of the Treasury and after a millionaire hit in the purchase of masks.

Hours after these media outlets published the distorted version of Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, the Prosecutor’s Office issued a statement with a chronology, which made it clear that the proposal of agreement to agree on a sentence had come from Ayuso’s partner, after several years of investigation of the Tax Agency.

Despite the fact that the first publication of the emails between the prosecution and González Amador’s lawyer came from the defense of Ayuso’s partner, who sent them to Miguel Ángel Rodríguez so that he could distribute it, amputated and as if it were the first communication and not the response to a previous one, among some related media, Ayuso’s partner decided to report to the Prosecutor’s Office for revealing secrets.

Once the complaint was processed against the Madrid Prosecutor’s Office for disseminating the note, the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, decided to assume responsibility for the statement, so the only court competent to judge it is the Supreme Court. In a reasoned statement, the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid asked to continue with the investigation and the matter is now in the hands of a chamber of the Supreme Court that has on the table a document from the Public Ministry in which it opposes the imputation of its maximum representative.

In this context, Ayuso’s chief of staff, who had already predicted that the attorney general would end up in jail in another tweet a few weeks ago, now assures that García Ortiz will be charged. He did so in a chain of messages against Pedro Sánchez and his wife, and after the new Minister of Digital Transition, Óscar López, responded to Rodríguez that he had the wrong family member, alluding to the Madrid president and her confessed fraudster boyfriend.

The response from Ayuso’s chief of staff was another tweet in which he assured: “Tomorrow it’s the Sanchismo prosecutor’s turn,” implying that he has information about the decision that must decide on the indictment of the Attorney General, who has already transferred to his team who is not considering resigning even if the Supreme Court decides to investigate him.

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