Analysts anticipated a 0.2%setback, according to a reuters survey.
It was thus the first contraction of the second largest Latin American economy since the decrease of 0.9% suffered in the third quarter of 2021.
The decrease was dragged by a deterioration of 8.9% of primary activities, which include agriculture, fishing and mining, and 1.2% in secondary activities, which encompass manufactures.
In contrast, tertiary activities, which cover the huge services sector, advanced 0.2%.
“Today’s results would imply that December IGAE was reduced around 0.7% monthly, from a growth of 0.4% in November,” said Banamex.
In this way, in all last year the Mexican economy grew 1.3% with disestacted data.
At an annual rate, the GDP was moderated in the fourth quarter to 0.6% in original figures, from 1.6% of the previous quarter. The data was also less than the expectation of analysts of an advance of 1.2%.
“Perspectives suggest that economic growth will remain weak; We maintain our projection of a 0.2% advance for GDP in 2025, ”said Banamex.
With Reuters information
In 2024, and with seasonality adjusted figures, the results of the timely estimate of the quarterly gross domestic product #EOPIBT They indicate that the #Pib increased 1.3% in real terms, compared to the previous year.
In the fourth quarter of 2024, he presented the following …
– INEGI informs (@inegi_informa)
January 30, 2025
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