economy and politics

Mexico, the US and Canada agree to strengthen their production chains

Mexico, the US and Canada agree to strengthen their production chains

The above, the document reads, “so that the region’s supply chains are better prepared and coordinated in the face of any eventuality.”

In 2020, due to covid-19, disruptions in production chains had harmful effects on economic activity and employment, as well as on the prices and supply of essential products.

Derived from the working groups, the T-MEC Free Trade Commission agreed to create a trilateral subcommittee to guarantee the residence of the supply chains during contingencies of different types.

The SE will be in charge of leading these works in Mexico at the federal level and with local governments.

Decision No. 5 of the Free Trade Commission of the treaty establishes that each country will have internal procedures for:

Coordinate the actions of its relevant agencies at the federal and state government levels; consult with industries and non-governmental stakeholders, including workers, who are affected by the interruption of trade flows in an emergency situation.

Likewise, each country that is part of the T-MEC will have to designate a contact point, and must notify any change of this.

Each partner is also expected to provide “relevant information” on their national coordination and consultation procedures.

The Subcommittee may consider any issue that affects the operation to foster greater coordination and consultation between partners, establish, as appropriate, technical working groups on specific areas and those related to emergency response, and participate in other activities decided by the parties.

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