economy and politics

Mexicans spend 12% more on energy drinks

Mexicans spend 12% more on energy drinks

The five drinks preferred by Mexican households are natural water in first place and mineral water in second place; isotonic drinks, ready-to-drink tea and energy drinks are the favorites of Mexican households.

Since last August, Inegi has included energy drinks as a weighting factor, taking into account the National Household Expenditure Survey (ENIGH) 2022, in which Mexicans expressed spending more on this type of beverage.

From July 2023 to June 2024, Mexican households purchased 9% more liters of these beverages than the previous year and purchases increased by 5%, according to Kantar.

The increase in the consumption of these drinks has been going on since the pandemic, with the changes in habits that confinement left behind.

“Most energy drink consumption occurs outside the home: in restaurants, bars, etc. It can also be closely related to certain moments such as driving, when people are on the road and start to consume these drinks,” said Alberto Vázquez, account director at Kantar, in an interview.

The specialist highlighted that another factor that has driven the growth of these drinks is the heat waves that have hit the country in recent years, proof of which is that between April and July the purchase of this type of drinks skyrockets.

The consultancy firm estimates that the consumption of energy drinks will stop occurring “outside the home”, which is in establishments such as restaurants, and will instead increase its consumption at home.

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