Science and Tech

Meta takes down 63,000 Instagram accounts linked to financial sextortion

Meta takes down 63,000 Instagram accounts linked to financial sextortion

July 26 (Portaltic/EP) –

Meta has shared its latest advances in the Fight against financial sextortionwhich have resulted in the deletion of 63,000 Instagram accounts and 7,200 Facebook assets, all located in Nigeria but active in other parts of the world.

Financial sextortion (or sexual extortion) is a type of scam that involves threatening people with the disclosure of intimate images in which they appear, in order to force them to do something they do not want to do, in this case, pay a sum of money.

This type of scam has followed a growing trend, led by cybercriminals such as Yahoo Boyswhich Meta has already prohibited in its services under the ‘Dangerous Organizations and Individuals’ policy, which leads to the deletion of any accounts they create when they are known.

Now, Meta has shared new developments, which involve “the strategic interruption” of two sets of accounts on Instagram and Facebook that were affiliated with Yahoo Boys and were attempting to carry out financial sextortion scams, as reported in your official blog.

On the one hand, on Instagram, it has deleted about 63,000 accounts. Of them, Some 2,500 were linked to a coordinated network operated by about 20 people which were primarily attempting to deceive adult males in the United States.

In this case, it is also detected some attempt to contact minorswhich was reported to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) in the United States and brought to the attention of the Lantern program, promoted by a coalition of technology companies to share signals and clues with each other about accounts and behaviors that violate their child safety policies.

The activity of a network that I used FacebookHere, Meta has removed 7,200 assets, including accounts, pages and groups, that were selling Guides and scripts for carrying out scams and provided a collection of photographs for fake accounts.

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