
Meloni will continue his work with Von der Leyen with the intention of receiving a financial position

Meloni will continue his work with Von der Leyen with the intention of receiving a financial position

Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloniwill continue to work with the President of the European Commission (EC), Ursula Von der Leyendespite having voted against it, and expects an economic position in the future European Government, according to what the President of the Italian Council of Ministers has assured the newspaper “Corriere della Sera”“I have behaved as a European leader should behave” because “citizens have asked for a change of course, I did what I thought was right.”

Meloni criticizes “the method chosen to designate high-level positions” in the EU because “things run the risk of not working in the coming years” and adds: “If you try to bring together everything and the opposite of everything, allying political forces that do not think the same way about anything, you run the risk of not having a clear vision,” referring to the different blocks (popular, social democrats, liberals and greens) of the Community Government.

The far-right leader, one of the big winners of the recent European elections, explains that in the last European Council abstained on Von der Leyen’s mandate “suggesting everyone to take into account the indication that emerged from the polls”, but in the European Parliament “I supported my party, in the framework of a parliamentary vote, on the political programme of the next Commission. This is a fundamental distinction.”

“I think I have made a coherent choice (…) the issue is not whether Von der Leyen votes yes or no, the issue is what are the priorities that Europe must address,” he added.

Meloni says that will continue to work with Von der Leyen“I always speak to the President of the Commission. It is my duty to do so, and we have learned to respect each other. We have worked together until now and we will continue to do so in the future. We are people with responsibilities and we understand their weight.”

Italy It depends on European decisions, but Europe also depends on Italy because we are not an imperial province. We are one of the founding countries, the second largest manufacturing industry, the third largest economy, and we also have the most stable government among the great nations of Europe. Everyone recognises the weight and the role of Italy and I am sure that this will be assessed when the positions are defined.

TO Von der Leyen “We have already shown our loyal cooperation. Even in the last two years we were not part of his majority, but that has not prevented him from listening to us when our theses were sensible and useful. And it has not prevented us from helping the Commission when we believed that this was in the interest of Italy and Europe. I have no reason to believe that this will not be the case in the future.”

That is why she describes as “surreal” the possibility that her decision would penalize her country and when asked about whether her minister for relations with Europe, Raffaelle Fittowho will be the person chosen as European Commissioner, Meloni replies: “When we know what kind of matter can be entrusted to Italy, we will identify, together with the majority, also the best person. Our priority is of an economic, industrial, competitive and cohesion nature, which will allow us to help Italy and Europe.”

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