
Meloni vetoes the children of homosexual couples in the Italian civil registry

The nationalist Executive of the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, mired in a difficult and complex economic agenda, also has to satisfy its ultra-conservative electorate in other areas. In the social field, Meloni has approved a measure that makes the administrative recognition of children of homosexual families difficult.

The central axis of the policy is prevent the registration of children of gay and lesbian couples born abroad in the civil registry, which in Italy is a field of competence of the municipalities. The measure has been highly debated in recent days in the country, and is outraging progressive Italian sectors, especially the mayors of the main transalpine cities, such as the Roman mayor Roberto Gualtieri or the Milanese Beppe Sala.

After the Ministry of the Interior expressly prohibited the Milanese administration from registering the children of homosexual couples born outside the country, they and other Italian mayors —those of Bologna, Treviso, Verona and Padua— have come out against the measure and , in many cases, they have continued normally with the records in a kind of civil protest.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni speaking in Parliament on March 15.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni speaking in Parliament on March 15.


The increase in controversy and indignation over the administrative “war” of the Italian government of Meloni against homosexual families has led the mayors of the main opposition cities to call a meeting next May 12 in Turin to express their opposition to the measure.

The leaders of the consistories of Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin, Bologna, Florence and Bari, all of them on the left, thus request “an urgent meeting with the president of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, and the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi” to face the thematic controversy, citing the importance of respecting and protecting “the constitutional principles of the equality and dignity of the person“.

A mother goes with her son to the protest against the blocking of the registry of children of LGBT families.

A mother goes with her son to the protest against the blocking of the registry of children of LGBT families.


Throughout this week, even the European Union has been pronounced On Thursday, the European Parliament voted with a large majority resolution in Brussels in condemnation of “the regulations imposed by the Italian Government on the City Council of Milan”.

In the document, “it is considered that this decision will inevitably imply a discrimination not only of same-sex couples, but also and above all of their children; where said action involves a direct violation of the rights of minors, listed in the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989“. The community body invites Meloni from Brussels “to immediately withdraw his decision.”

[Rachele Mussolini: “Gracias a Meloni, dejaremos atrás el fantasma de mi abuelo; estoy a favor del aborto y el matrimonio gay”]

The resolution of the European Parliament, likewise, has no binding effectsbut it shows the annoyance that the measure of the ultra-conservative government of Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni implies within the European Union.

According to the progressive newspaper La Repubblicathe vote on the resolution in the Brussels Parliament has even caused some split in the European People’s Party, since “parliamentarians from Northern Europe and Portugal have voted in favor of the document and the German delegation has left the vote free”. The text of the resolution has been formulated by the Liberals and has been widely supported by the progressive sectors of the European Parliament.

“Taking into account that currently in Italy there was no specific law that would allow the registration of a minor child of a homosexual couple if it were not for the action of the mayors, the novelty is that it is the first time that there is a concrete action of an Italian government in the opposite direction, for political reasons”, he assures Alessia Crocinipresident of the association of LGBTIQ+ families Family Arcobaleno.

“It is a push and a decision of the Executive of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, as soon as a political stance“, Crocini stated in a meeting with the foreign press to which EL ESPAÑOL had access.

A mother and her daughter at a protest in Milan against Meloni's measures, this March.

A mother and her daughter at a protest in Milan against Meloni’s measures, this March.

The representative of Famiglie Arcobaleno adds that there will be differences between the LGBTI+ families themselves depending on whether they are made up of two mothers or two fathers. A child of homosexual mothers, more likely to have been born in Italy and to be the biological son of one of her parents, will have problems being recognized as the son of his non-pregnant mother, with health or testamentary repercussions for her.

But even more serious is what happens at two-parent families. According to Crocini, a child born in the United States with a US birth certificate probably cannot be registered in Italy. The result is that if two Italian men are fathers of a foreign child, the child will have complications when it comes to having a pediatrician or enrolling him in a school.

The controversy over the registration of children of homosexual couples in Italy is connected to another in parallel: that of the surrogacy. Recently, the Minister of the Family of the Government of Meloni, Eugenia Roccellahas affirmed that “a specific law will be made to pursue surrogate motherhood in Italy”, understood as a “market for children, commodification and female body bondage“.

Federico Molliconepresident of the Culture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and a member of Hermanos de Italia, the ultra-conservative leading party of the government coalition, has assured that “surrogate motherhood” is worse than pedophilia. Some very serious terms that hinder the debate on a delicate social issue.

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