
Meloni reassures EU by appointing Tajani but gives Salvini full power over immigration

The leader of the Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, meets with Italian President Mattarella at the Quirinale Palace, in Rome

Giorgia Meloni accepted on Friday the commission of the head of state, Sergio Matarella, to form the new Government of Italy. He did so without reservation and without delay, presenting a list with 24 ministries split between his party, Brothers of Italy, and his two coalition partners, La Liga and Forza Italia.

She, as expected, will become the first woman in the country’s history to occupy the Chigi Palace. Over there will be flanked by the head of La Liga, Matteo Salviniwhich will be number two and will also be in charge of the Ministry of Infrastructure, and Antonio Tajanisecond of Forza Italia, who in addition to being deputy prime minister will deal with the Foreign Ministry.

With this combination, Meloni culminates the strategy that has defined the campaign that led him to win the general elections last September 25th: please the far-right leader of the second force of his coalition and reassure the European Union.

[“Dios, patria y familia”, el lema con el que Giorgia Meloni quiere gobernar Italia]

At first, Salvini, known for his aggressive anti-immigration proclamations, asked for the Interior, a fetish ministry that would allow him control borders and security. Meloni, however, has not wanted to give up this key portfolio to his partner, who already held it in 2018 and 2019 during the Conte government, when he prevented entry to the Italian ports of any ship of the NGOs that rescued immigrants.

Now, the leader of La Liga has been appointed as the new person in charge of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, which leaves the management of roads, highways, railways, airports and also ports in their hands. In other words, will have control at the borders.

The leader of the Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, meets with Italian President Mattarella at the Quirinale Palace, in Rome

In addition, the new Executive will have for the Interior matthew piantedosiwhich despite being a technical profile is very close to Salvini, since he was his Chief of Staff during his Interior days, before becoming the Government delegate in Rome. In fact, the far-right leader explained in an interview that they had designed together those known as “security decrees“that prevented the disembarkation of foreigners rescued at sea.

[Putin y Berlusconi, “verdaderos amigos”: un audio revela las botellas y las cartas que se mandan]

Meloni silences Berlusconi

Secondly, Antonio Tajani, former president of the European Parliament, will be the new head of Foreign Affairs with the aim of calming the waters in Brussels. These have been very unsettled in recent days after statements by the former head of government and leader of the third coalition force, Silvio Berlusconi, came to light, in which he defends and justifies the invasion of his “friend” Putin in Ukraine.

Thus, despite being the right hand of the Cavaliere, Tajani will be the strong man of Forza Italia in the Government. convinced Europeanist and Vice President of the European People’s Party (EPP) Until a few days ago, his appointment sought to placate the most anti-European wing of the coalition. Because Salvini has also aroused concern in the European Union because of his positions “prorussian“.

Italian President Mattarella meets with the leaders of the conservative bloc that won the 2022 general election in Rome.

Italian President Mattarella meets with the leaders of the conservative bloc that won the 2022 general election in Rome.


“I am here to confirm once again the position of my party, mine and Berlusconi’s in favor of NATO and transatlantic relations, for Europe and against the unacceptable Russian invasion of Ukraine,” he said on Thursday.

Meloni has spent months softening his attitude towards the EU to make his government a credible partner. Among other things because he needs the money from the Next Generation EU recovery funds, aid of which Italy is the main beneficiary, with 191,500 million euros.

For this reason, he has tried silence the most awkward member of your coalition: Berlusconi who, with several open legal cases, has not even received the Ministry of Justice (which he had requested) nor any other.

In recent days, moreover, the relationship between the two was on the verge of breaking down, after some annotations by the former prime minister were leaked in which he described as “arrogant, arrogant and offensive” to the leader of the Brothers of Italy.

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