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In recent years we have had the opportunity to tell you about hoarders who go to great lengths to get the toys of the emblematic McDonald’s Happy Meal with the intention of reselling their products. Perhaps this has inspired the company to launch a Happy Meal for adults, although it’s not as exciting as many in the geek world might think.
as it counts Kotaku Australia, in the United States McDonald’s will start selling a Happy Meal for the adult public. This is a limited edition product, which will only be available for a limited time.
In this Happy Meal, consumers will have the opportunity to take home a box that includes a Big Mac, McNuggets, fries and a drink, enough to fill them up after a long morning at work. Of course, it will still be accompanied by a toy and it will have stylized figures of emblematic McDonald’s mascots such as Grimance, Hamburglar or Birdie.
But why is Happy Meal for adults? It turns out that these toys are actually designer collectible figures. All figures were designed by Cactus Plant Flea Market, a company that is known for its designer clothing.
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The problem is that the collectibles in this Happy Meal are not exactly attractive, although they say that tastes break genres. Of course, perhaps this will help us avoid the public embarrassment of seeing adults throw a tantrum over a sauce Rick and Morty or for leaving children without their cards Pokemon.
The Cactus Plant Flea Market Happy Meal will be available from October 3 to 30 in the United States.
What did you think of The Happy Meal for adults? Do you think this is a good idea or should they focus on their children’s products? Tell us in the comments.
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