economy and politics

Manuel Santos Uribelarrea: «the world needs food, minerals, energy and knowledge; “We have all that.”

Felipe La Paglia

Within the framework of 60th IDEA ColloquiumManuel Santos Uribelarrea, CEO of MSU, stood out as one of the most influential voices in this event that brings together businessmen, politicians and social leaders to debate the economic future of Argentina.

Santos Uribelarrea, whose company covers both the agricultural and energy sectors, highlighted the opportunities that the country offers, despite the historical challenges it faces. His message was clear: the key to Argentine progress lies in strategic investment, technological innovation and open dialogue between the different actors in the productive system.

MSU’s commitment to agriculture and energy

During the panel that he shared with other important references such as Verónica Andreani, director of Grupo Logístico Andreani, and Mariano Bosch, co-founder of Adecoagro, Manuel Santos Uribelarrea spoke about the current political and economic situation and highlighted the need for Argentina to adopt a more competitive stance and open to the world. In his analysis, productivity and adaptability are at the heart of any sustainable growth strategy. In his words, “if the country opens up to the world to compete, we must be productive; Otherwise, there will be no future.

His career at the head of MSU positions him as one of the most relevant businessmen in the country. With a family tradition that spans more than 160 years, Manuel Santos Uribelarrea has consolidated MSU’s presence in highly relevant sectors such as agriculture and energy. In the agricultural field, the company manages some 220,000 hectares and produces more than one million tons per year, demonstrating Argentina’s potential to satisfy growing global food demands.

In addition, MSU is investing 100 million dollars in a peanut processing plant in the province of Santa Fe, which underlines its commitment to diversify its production and provide added value to the domestic and foreign markets.

Renewable Energy: The Future of MSU

However, it was in the energy sector where Santos Uribelarrea emphasized Argentina’s transformative potential. Your company, through the subsidiaries MSU Energy and MSU Green Energy, has made significant investments to expand its capacity in traditional and renewable energies. Between 2017 and 2022, MSU spent $1.2 billion on seven plants totaling 1.5 gigawatts of installed capacity.

In parallel, the company has developed clean energy projects, with a capacity of 350 megawatts, and plans to reach 500 megawatts in 2025. These initiatives, which include the recently inaugurated Pampa del Infierno project, aim to turn MSU into a leader in the transition towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy matrix in Argentina.

Manuel Santos Uribelarrea did not limit himself to highlighting the figures and achievements of his company. During his speech at the IDEA Colloquium, he stressed the importance of a sincere and constructive dialogue with unions and workers to reach agreements that promote productivity without neglecting labor rights.

Manuel Santos Uribelarrea: “from MSU we aim to reach 1GW of solar energy in the next three years”

Manuel Santos Uribelarrea’s focus on competitiveness and productivity is also linked to his vision of a country with great natural resources and strong human capital. “Argentina has natural resources like few countries in the world and human capital that continues to be an invaluable asset. Despite the years of decline, we maintain the necessary talent to take advantage of the opportunities that the world offers us,” he expressed during the panel. In Uribelarrea’s opinion, the sectors that have the greatest potential are those that can take advantage of global demands for food, minerals, energy and knowledge, four areas in which MSU already has a strong presence.

However, his optimism regarding the country’s future does not hide his criticism of the difficulties faced by Argentine businessmen, especially when it comes to seeking external financing.

Reorienting investments

In that sense, Santos Uribelarrea shared his experience about MSU’s attempts to grow outside the country: «We wanted to raise capital abroad, but Argentina was a bad word. That made us less profitable and more risky. That is why we decided to refocus on the country, where we have the economic and human capital, and where the opportunities are tangible. This decision to reorient investments towards Argentina is no coincidence, since, for him, macroeconomic stability is fundamental for the success of any project.

Despite the historical difficulties faced by the local economy, he believes that if the necessary conditions are achieved, Argentina can become a world power.

In addition to his business leadership, Santos Uribelarrea is a strong defender of the importance of innovation and training. During his presentation, he stressed the need for both the private and public sectors to work together to prepare workers for the jobs of the future. “Technological development advances faster than regulations, and we need trained people to operate in this new context. If we manage to train people adequately and promote greater efficiency in the labor sector, we will have the capacity to generate quality jobs that allow sustainable development,” he noted.

The vision of Manuel Santos Uribelarrea at the IDEA Colloquium was that of a businessman committed to the future of Argentina, both in economic and social terms. When speaking about the opportunities the country still has, his message was clear: if structural barriers can be overcome, Argentina can become a key player on the global stage. The MSU CEO made it clear that the path to that future involves greater investment, the modernization of regulatory frameworks and a determined focus on innovation.

Energy journalist

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