economy and politics

Loan portfolio continues to slow down

Loan portfolio continues to slow down

According to the financial system statistics as of November 2022the gross portfolio grows in positive terms but continues to slow down in all modalities.

(Financial monitoring committee says that the portfolio is growing and recovering).

According to the Financial Superintendency, the gross balance of the portfolio amounted to $664.3 trillion, consequently, the depth indicator stood at 47.8% of GDP.

In real terms, the gross portfolio varied 3.7%, behavior that reflects the increase in the balance in inter-monthly terms ($8.5 trillion); disbursements to households and companies for $36.3 trillion ($30.2 trillion in 2021); the effect of inflation, since the nominal growth rate is higher (16.7%); and the lesser relative importance of write-offs, which totaled $12.2 trillion in the last 12 months compared to the $14.2 trillion accumulated as of November 2021.

The commercial portfolio slowed down to 2.7% real annual. But according to the Superfinanciera, this modality completed 13 months in positive territory.

(Loan portfolio can go up to 10% this year).

Consumer credit reduced its dynamism and contributed 2.1 percentage points to the real growth reported by the total portfolio (compared to the 2.6 percentage points of the previous month), with a real annual increase of 6.4% (19.8 % nominal) in November.

Financing for home purchase grew 1.6% real per year, a lower rate than that registered in the same period of 2021 (6.9%). This behavior is consistent with the correction of the effect of inflation, given that in nominal terms the type of housing grows 14.3% annually.

The balance reporting arrears of more than 30 days continues to grow at negative real rates, while consumption completed four months of positive annual variations.
The past-due portfolio reached $25.1 trillion, an increase compared to $24.1 trillion in November 2021.

(Interest boosted bank income, as of November 2022).

The non-performing consumer loan portfolio registered a positive growth rate in November (20.8%).

The portfolio up to date about $639.2 trillion, represents 96.2% of the total balance.

The portfolio quality indicator due to arrears for the entire portfolio, that is, the ratio between the past-due balance and the gross balance, has remained above 3.8%.


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