Our price comparator grows more every day, to the existing categories of Processors, Graphics Cards, SSD, Power Supplies, RAM Memory and Hard Drives, now we add a new section dedicated exclusively to finding the best prices on liquid cooling kits.
The operation of this new category is similar to the rest, as we show you in the guide on how to use the price comparatoralthough the product search system has been adapted by adding specific filters related to Liquid Cooling Kits.
Thus, in addition to the common filters such as price range, brand or stores, the possibility of filter according to the type of component we want to cool (CPU, GPU or Memory), the CPU socket; size, material and number of radiator fans; or specific categories to choose fans according to size, speed, connection, noise, lighting, etc.
It is also possible to search for best offers for Liquid Cooling Kits according to him pump type of liquid, its maximum speed, type of connector, lighting; or also based on the length of the tubes or details such as the total weight or the inclusion of additional elements such as screens to monitor in the RL block.
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