
Like the disciples of Emmaus, let us review each of our days together with Jesus

At the Regina Caeli, Francis recalled the importance of the examination of conscience. He invited the faithful to pray for his imminent trip to Hungary in the heart of the Europe of the “icy winds of war” and the “urgent humanitarian problems” posed by migrations.

Vatican City () – Every night, spend a moment in a brief examination of conscience. Pope Francis has once again suggested to the faithful gathered in Saint Peter’s Square for the Regina Caeli Marian prayer, this commitment that the Church proposes in Easter time.

Referring to the Gospel page about the disciples of Emmaus, Francis invited them to look at Jesus, who helps them to reread what happened with his death and the announcement of the Resurrection that the women brought. “For us too – he commented – it is important to reread our history together with Jesus: the story of our life, of a certain period, of our journeys, with their disappointments and hopes. On the other hand, we too, like those disciples, can find ourselves lost before the things that are happening to us, alone and insecure, with many questions and worries. Today’s Gospel -he added- invites us to tell Jesus everything, honestly, without fear of upsetting him, without fear of saying the wrong things, without being ashamed of our difficulty in understanding. The Lord rejoices when we open ourselves to Him; only then will he be able to take us by the hand, accompany us and make our hearts burn again ”.

In this sense, the daily practice of the examination of conscience is extremely valuable. “In front of the love of Christ – the Pope observed – even what seems difficult or a failure can appear in a different light: a difficult cross to embrace, the decision to forgive an offense, a failed revenge, the fatigue of work, the sincerity costs, the trials of family life can be shown in a new light, that of the Risen Crucified, who knows how to turn each fall into a step forward.May Mary, a wise Virgin – he concluded -, help us to recognize Jesus who walks with us and to review before Him every day of our lives”.

At the end of the Marian prayer, Francis recalled the martyred priests of the Commune, assassinated in 1871 and who were proclaimed blessed yesterday in Paris, “pastors animated by apostolic zeal who gave witness to the faith to the point of martyrdom.” Then, he referred to Earth Day that was celebrated yesterday, urging that the “commitment to care for creation always go hand in hand with concrete solidarity with the poor.” He also invited to continue praying for the brothers and sisters of Sudan, so that “the violence ends as soon as possible and the path of dialogue resumes.”

Finally, he entrusted to the prayers of the faithful the three-day apostolic trip to Hungary that begins on Friday. “It will be the opportunity to once again embrace a Church and a people so dear to us – he said -. It will also be a trip to the center of Europe, over which the icy winds of war continue to blow, while the displacement of so many people puts urgent humanitarian issues on the agenda. I ask everyone to join me in prayer.”

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