
let us not ignore the cry of the small victims of Myanmar

From the city of Matera – where the Italian National Eucharistic Congress concluded – Francis gave voice to the pain for the children killed in the Burmese army bombing of a school in Sagaing. “May the Eucharist be a prophecy of a new world, may we rediscover the prayer of adoration, which frees us from our slavery.”

Matera () – “Do not ignore” the cry of the dead children in the Burmese army bombing a Buddhist school in the Sagaing region. From the city of Matera – where today he prayed the Angelus prayer at the end of the closing mass of the National Eucharistic Congress of the Italian Church – Pope Francis once again entrusted to Mary the suffering of peoples wounded by war, with special attention to Myanmar, torn apart by a new horror in recent days.

“For more than two years – the Pontiff recalled – this noble country has been tormented by serious armed clashes and violence, which have caused numerous victims and displaced persons. This week the cry of pain for the death of children in a bombed school. You see that in today’s world it is fashionable to bomb schools,” he commented bitterly. May the cry of these little ones not be ignored. These tragedies must not happen.”

The Pope also prayed that Mary, Queen of Peace “comfort the martyred Ukrainian people and obtain for the leaders of the nations the willpower to immediately find effective initiatives that will lead to the end of the war.” He then joined the call of the Cameroonian bishops for the release of several people kidnapped in the diocese of Mamfe, including five priests and a nun. “May the Lord grant peace to the hearts and social life of that dear country,” he said.

Recalling the World Day of Migrants and Refugees that the Church celebrates today, Pope Francis called for building a future “in which migrants, refugees, displaced persons and victims of trafficking can live in peace and with dignity.” . Because the Kingdom of God is realized with them, without being excluded. It is also thanks to these brothers and sisters that communities can grow socially, economically, culturally and spiritually; and the exchange of different traditions enriches the people of God. Let us all commit ourselves to building a more inclusive and fraternal future”, he continued, “Migrants must be welcomed, accompanied, promoted and integrated”.

Referring to the Eucharistic Congress held in Matera, the Pontiff also entrusted to Mary “the path of the Church in Italy, so that each community may feel the fragrance of the living Christ the Bread descended from Heaven.” And he added: “Today I dare to ask for Italy: more births, more children.”

Prior to this, during the homily of the mass, the Pope explained the deepest meaning of being Church around the Eucharist. He was commenting on the parable of the banquet of the rich and the poor Lazarus, who is not even allowed to eat the crumbs (Lk 16,19-31). Pope Francis pointed out that the Gospel does not mention the name of the rich man. “Riches gets you to this,” he commented, “it also strips you of your name. Self-satisfied, drunk on money, dazed by vanity fair, there is no place in his life for God because he worships only himself.” ”.

On the contrary, the Eucharist affirms the primacy of God, invites us to adore Him and not ourselves. “Because if we adore ourselves,” the Pope said, “we die in the suffocation of our little self; if we adore the riches of this world, they take possession of us and make us slaves. On the other hand, when we adore the Lord Jesus present In the Eucharist, we also receive a new look at our lives: I am not the things I possess or the successes I achieve. I am a beloved son, I am blessed by God; He has wanted to clothe me with beauty and wants me free from all slavery”. Hence the invitation to rediscover adoration, “a prayer that is often forgotten.” Let us rediscover it: he frees us and restores our dignity as children, not slaves “.

But the parable also recalls the abyss that separates the rich man from the poor Lazarus, a “pit” that he himself dug. “It is painful to see that this parable continues to be the story of our days,” added the Pontiff. “The injustices, the inequalities, the unfairly distributed resources of the earth, the abuse of power against the weak, the indifference to of the poor, the abyss that we dig every day generating marginalization, cannot leave us indifferent. Therefore, today, together, let us recognize that the Eucharist is a prophecy of a new world”.

“We dream of a Eucharistic Church – Francis concluded – made up of women and men who break like bread for all those who chew loneliness and poverty, for those who hunger for tenderness and compassion, for those whose lives crumble because it has lacked the good yeast of hope”. A Church that kneels before the Eucharist and adores with admiration the Lord present in the bread; but who also knows how to bow with compassion and tenderness before the wounds of those who suffer, lifting the poor, drying the tears of those who suffer, becoming bread of hope and joy for all. Because there is no true Eucharistic worship without compassion for the many “Lazarus” who still walk by our side today.

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