The action of Spider-Man: Miles Morales takes place after the events of Marvel’s Spider-Man and its DLC (also available on PC), when a teenager Miles Morales is in the process of adapting to the Harlem neighborhood of New York at the same time. while looking to follow in the footsteps of Peter Parker, his mentor, to become a new Spider-Man. This transformation will be affected by a war between the Roxxon Energy Company and a high-tech criminal army that threatens to destroy the new home of Miles Morales. To save New York, our protagonist must rise to the challenge and become a hero.
Miles Morales has been bitten by a genetically enhanced spider and has a number of powers that set him apart from Peter Parker. For example, Morales masters bioelectric attacks and has the ability to cloak, two abilities that add to the generous cast of web-slinging stunts and upgradable gadgets like the holodron, remote mine, or gravity well. These tools are obtained as you progress through the story. It will feature Peter Parker, but he will not be a playable character.
Insomniac Games argues that the Miles Morales origin story needed its own game. “You will have the experience of a complete story arc on Miles Morales in general terms; one much more similar to a title like Uncharted: The Lost Legacy,” says the development team. The objective of this installment is to enlarge the universe of Marvel’s Spider-Man, which in 2023 will expand again with the launch of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, a game for PlayStation 5 starring Peter Parker and Miles Morales.
On a technical level, PC gamers should expect a game with all the usual features on this platform. Up to 4K resolution, graphics quality options, unlocked frame rates, Nvidia DLSS, AMD FSR and Intel XeSS support, ray-traced reflections and shadows, ultra-wide monitor support and support for controllers including full-featured DualSense. The requirements are as follows.