economy and politics

Latin American governments condemn the escalation of violence in Israel

Latin American governments condemn the escalation of violence in Israel

Israeli soldiers keeping watch. Stock Photo

“The governments of Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico view with deep concern the decision of the Israeli government to legalize nine outposts and build ten thousand houses in existing settlements in the West Bank” expressed in a joint communiqué the four Latin American countries.

“These unilateral measures constitute serious violations of International Law and United Nations Security Council Resolutions, especially No. 2334 (2016), in addition to contributing to raising current tensions,” it adds.

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In addition, the governments of these countries expressed their opposition to any action that compromises the viability of the two-state solution, in which Israel and Palestine can share secure and internationally recognized borders, while respecting the legitimate aspirations of both peoples. to live in peace.

The governments of Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico called on Israelis and Palestinians to refrain from acts and provocations that could promote a further escalation of violence and to resume negotiations to reach a peaceful solution to the conflict.

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