
Lasso presents “Eva”, her fourth studio album: “Very worked on and very loved, 100% for my base”

( ) – Lasso presented “Eva”, her fourth studio album. It is a production without collaborations in itself, which only includes the remix of “Ojos marrones”, one of his hits, which he made together with Sebastián Yatra.

For the production, the Venezuelan singer-songwriter wrote more than 100 songs, of which only 11 (without the remix) were rescued. And the woman is the guiding thread of the stories made into Lasso’s song. It is an album dedicated to and inspired by them.

“It is a hard-worked album, very loved in general. I think I wrote like 100 songs or so for this record, and it really is the best I’ve got, which sometimes isn’t the case. Sometimes you tend to take what you have at the moment and not in this case, it was highly sought after. All that is there is something that has a lot of work behind it, ”Lasso told Zona Pop in an interview via Zoom.

Lasso explains the genesis of “Eva”

For the most part, the album was written throughout 2021, except for “Clavos” which was composed before the pandemic. In the course of that year, the interpreter was inspired by music from different decades and whose sound references he decanted into themes, as he explained in the breakdown of each of the songs. on his Instagram account.

Despite being quite inspired and having released an album, “Cuatro Estaciones”, 2021 was a particularly difficult year for Lasso.

“It was a very difficult year for me in general due to the fact that nothing I put out that year worked, or worked much less than what we all thought. So I had like many contradictions in my head about what should be and what should not be, ”he recounted.

In the process of writing, something that Lasso is passionate about, he said that he had to look for a specific sound, “I have to see who I am musically. One of those is to get rid of the collaborations to see what I dream of, ”he said.

In that search, Lasso examined genres and eras. And it is precisely from this musical exploration that the songs that are part of the work were chosen.

“Suddenly, at one point, I’m listening to a lot of ’80s, so a lot of the stuff I was writing is ’80s. you go with a vibe R&B, for example, so you have like an R&B moment, where everything is R&B. Or a moment ballads, a moment of up tempos, from the seventies, from acoustic things and from each of those moments three or four songs come out. On the album is either the best of some journey or the best two of some journey, ”Lasso explained.

The best song Lasso has written

From the list, the only songs that were reserved for the time of release were: “Clavos”, “Perdón que no te perdono”, “Quédate con él” and “Eva”. The latter, Lasso noted, is the best song he has written in his more than 10-year career.

“It’s my favorite song on the record. I think it’s my favorite of all my repertoire, of my entire life. I think it’s the best I’ve ever done,” Lasso explained. In addition, according to the Venezuelan, it is the only one that he has been able to listen to over and over again before the release of the production.

The theme, which takes inspiration from songs like Coldplay’s “The Scientist” either “Wish You Were Here” by Pink Floydbecomes a beautiful ballad that celebrates the existence of women.

“I’ve always been in love with The Scientist of Coldplay, and (the song) what it has and, at least what Coldplay makes me feel, is like everything is fine in general. They have a harmonious management of calm. The Scientist It is for me like the greatest expression of what I am telling you. I’ve tried to copy that song a zillion times and never succeeded until Eve”, Lasso told Zona Pop .

No one said it would be easy to emulate the sentiment behind that Coldplay hit, but Lasso pulled it off.

“(Eve) is the most human (song), the most worked. I think the lyrics cannot be lost wherever you take them, it seems to me that it has a very nice message (…) It is a song that gives me a lot of peace, ”she added.

The Venezuelan openly shared that this song is also the first in his career that he composes under the influence of hallucinogens.

“I’m not a drug person, I never have been, but I was in this magical place recording the album in the middle of nowhere and they gave me a taste of a mushroom and I had a moment of colors and seeing some crazy things, and this song came to me,” Lasso said.

“Clavos”, the song that other artists rejected

Among the peculiarities of the album is “Clavos”: a song that Lasso wrote together with the group LAGOS (Luis Jiménez and Agustín Zubillaga) and the producer and composer Ali Stone, and which was rejected by at least a dozen singers.

“It’s a song that I could have sent to like 15 female artists and they all rejected the song,” Lasso said.

Although there was hope in the song, he explained, nobody wanted to sing it with him. “It is what I still do not understand, the truth. What I think is a theme, maybe… I mean, that thing about being someone’s nail, it’s not something (where) many people want to be, ”she explained.

The guitar, the omnipresent protagonist

If you follow Lasso’s career, you will realize that he is one of the few current Latino artists who stands on stage with a guitar in hand.

That instrument, whose mastery and ease with its strings are praised by his colleagues, is another of the omnipresent protagonists of the production. As a reference, Lasso took one of the greatest artists of Latin pop-rock, who has also distinguished himself for his intimacy with the guitar: the Colombian Juanes.

“I am a guitarist before being a singer,” says Lasso. “I play the guitar very well, much better than I sing. There aren’t many people who play the guitar right now, nor who do it well, nor who have the same influence as me. Just as one of my great idols, which is Juanes, did it at the time, I wanted to do it too, “said the singer.

“Eva” was that stage to show himself as a complete artist, capable of writing sharp and emotional lyrics, as well as his excellent guitar skills, despite the fact that he always felt sorry for doing solos, according to his account.

The album is a very personal exploration and a work done solely to satisfy his own musical needs and those of his audience.

“This whole premise is made up of the fact that I said ‘I’m never going to have a hit, I’m going to work 100% for my base.’ It will not be, as I tell you, to make a hit, as I had worked all of 2021, but I will work for the people who love me and who follow me.

“Eva” (Universal Music) is available on major platforms streaming.

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