Politics is a sport that demands strong physical contact. It is not for the faint hearted or the faint of heart. Sometimes that confrontation acquires relentless levels without the need to penetrate the limits of the Penal Code. Or staying very close to them. As soon as the opponent shows signs of weakness, some begin to notice the taste of blood in their mouths. And it excites them.
Isabel Díaz Ayuso woke up on Thursday wanting to kill. There will be those who think that it was a normal day for her. It would be exaggerated. Even bloodthirsty warriors take a few moments of rest. That day, the president of Madrid thought that her letters smiled at her. It was only necessary to go to the end.
On the day of the control session in the Madrid Assembly, he sent his deputies a message that began with “today the left is finished”reported El País. He went on to summarize some facts that he believed benefited the PP, among which he highlighted the imminent agreement that would put an end to the doctors’ strike and the decision of the European Prosecutor’s Office to close the investigation into the commissions his brother received for the sale of masks
The ad ended with one word, an unappealable order: “Kill them.”
Saved the exclamation points. The instruction was clear and concise. She played a bloodbath.
This was also the order attributed to the Cistercian abbot Arnaldo Amalric who received from Pope Innocent III the religious direction of the Albigensian Crusade against the heresy of the Cathars in France in the 13th century. “Kill them all, God will recognize his own!” is the phrase attributed to him by a chronicle of that war written half a century later, probably apocryphally.
In any case, the order was fulfilled in the siege of the city of Béziers in 1209. The troops slaughtered thousands of people without making theological distinctions. Heretics, Catholics and the indifferent fell, many of them in the Church of the Madeleine, where they had tried to seek refuge without much use.
Whether it was a deliberate killing or a product of circumstances – the chronicles disagree – he obtained the perfect result. Terror caused other towns to surrender in the months that followed. Innocent III had previously expressed his wishes clearly: “Make every effort to destroy heresy by all the means that God will inspire you.”
For Díaz Ayuso, the ideologies of the other parties are heresies that endanger freedoms and the Constitution. Only she can put a stop to such insults, and not some stooges from her party, and save democracy. Moderation in the defense of freedom is a defect.
Personal attacks are legitimate weapons. He has used them against opposition spokesmen whenever he needed to. With her main rival, Mónica García from Más Madrid, she has been especially direct. She has even questioned her physical appearance in response to equally harsh political accusations. With the socialist spokesman, Juan Lobato, she has also been relentless, despite the fact that her attacks are not as energetic. She treats him like he’s an intern who’s not up to the job.
If criticized for his ruthless style, he responds by treating his critics as whiners. “Politics come home crying,” he said in May 2022.
From time to time, he presents himself as a victim of the excesses of others, and it is true that the opposition hits him hard. In those cases, the helpless politician who is the object of the worst insults emerges, whom everyone should hug to comfort her. Or reflections are allowed on how important it would be for tension not to dominate politics. “Disagreement should not degenerate in polarization, nor worry in fed up nor in a bad mood ”, he asked in the end-of-year speech of 2021. January arrived and he drew his pistols again.
The strategy gave him a good result in the 2021 elections. He combined the apocalyptic forecast in case of victory of his adversaries with the sporadic disguise of moderation: “We cannot make the mistake of dividing Spanish society.” She does not divide society. It purges it of viruses that must be removed. She sees herself as a pest exterminator.
When Pablo Casado publicly raised the contracts obtained by his brother, he again demanded the elimination of those who had questioned his honor. At a meeting of the National Board of Directors, he demanded that heads roll: “What I do ask is that everyone who has been part of this campaign be immediately put on the street.” Married had already been settled, but that wasn’t enough.
The question is whether that rage will now be equally profitable for him in the May elections. It does not seem that his permanence in power is in danger, but he faces the difficult challenge of reaching an absolute majority, without which it will not be easy for him to unseat Feijóo in the event of defeat in the general elections. Without the usual political tension in the pandemic, it is conceivable that stepping on the accelerator of tension could yield unexpected results.
For the main protagonist of the chronicle of events in Spanish politics, these are baseless speculations. Díaz Ayuso will once again embody the character that most attracts him. The ‘Freedom Dominatrix’ will once again demand maximum violence from her own to subdue her enemies. With the same intensity with which Innocent III announced the dangers that loomed over Christianity: “Faith has disappeared, peace has died, the heretical plague and warlike anger have gained new breath.” Only where heresy appeared before, now communism, taxes and the minimum wage threaten.
Kill, kill, kill. And then remove the corpses, clean the bloodstains and beg with a melancholy look to flee from polarization.
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