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Few are the companies that are encouraged to carry out ingenious advertising campaigns, that take risks and end up being memorable and manage to attract consumers due to their peculiar appeal. The fast food company KFC is one of them and a clear example is a promotional advertisement that takes advantage of the success of the acclaimed God of War Ragnarok.
KFC’s marketing team is one of the best, as they like to interact with consumers and are also aware of current events and memes to promote the brand, just as marketing campaigns should be today to attract customers. looks. And he just proved it.
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KFC wants you to eat without interrupting God of War Ragnarok
At Chatham Station, England, an advertisement was placed for God of War Ragnarok to promote the PlayStation exclusive at its premiere this week. This ad has nothing special beyond promoting God of War Ragnarokbut what is striking is not this ad per se, but the one to the side.
A similar ad is conveniently placed just 1 meter away and there are no big brand names or pompous pictures on it, just the phrase “And that’s why there is KFC Delivery” accompanied by a simple image of KFC’s home delivery service. KFC fast food orders.
In case you missed it: Guillermo del Toro and even Phil Spencer want to play God of War Ragnarok.
Think we timed this one well. We’re not sorry @PlayStationUK #GodofWarRagnarok pic.twitter.com/jDRBlLwjfU
— KFC UK (@KFC_UKI) November 9, 2022
The meaning is clear. With this, the company clearly takes advantage of the noise it is generating God of War Ragnarok in an ingenious way, because it remembers that consumers can enjoy their food without leaving home and better yet, without interrupting their Nordic journey in Midgar alongside Kratos and Atreus. As expected, the response from the community was very positive on social networks.
As we told you, this is not the first time that KFC has taken advantage of video games to connect with its customers. In fact, he has an official gaming Twitter account and has on several occasions interacted brilliantly and comically. In addition, the company took advantage of the success of Animal Crossing: New Horizons to give something to talk about and it was even revealed that his food is canon in the popular title NieR: Automata.
What did you think of this advertising campaign? Tell us in the comments.
You can find more news related to KFC by visiting this page.
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