
Kevin McCarthy Meets Taiwan President, Defies China Threats

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In the United States, the president of Taiwan managed to meet with the speaker of the House of Representatives, the Republican Kevin McCarthy. The meeting has caused discontent in China, a country that claims the island of Taiwan as its own and threatens reprisals.

Despite the rejection by Beijing, the speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, met this Wednesday, April 5, in California with the president of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen.

The meeting at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library was attended by other Democratic and Republican lawmakers, who rose from their chairs to greet the Taiwanese leader, thus defying China’s warning that there should be no interaction between US officials. and Taiwanese.

McCarthy, the third most important political figure in the United States, stressed to Tsai that this was a bipartisan meeting of members of Congress, not representing just one caucus. In addition, he expressed that he is confident that the two countries will continue to “find ways for the people of the United States and Taiwan to work together to promote economic freedom, democracy, peace and stability in Asia.”

In 1979 the United States broke relations with Taiwan while formally establishing them with Beijing. Although Washington recognizes the “one China” policy, it does not accept the Asian giant’s claim on Taiwan, and it is still the main provider of military and defense assistance to the island.

For Tsai, this was the most delicate stop on the ten-day trip she undertook to strengthen alliances with the United States and Central American countries.

The Taiwan president thanked McCarthy for her hospitality, calling it warm as “California sunshine.” She also referred to the rest of the congressional delegation. “I’m very happy,” she said.

An airplane pulls the letters behind him during the meeting of Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen and United States Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California , USA, April 5, 2023.
An airplane pulls the letters behind him during the meeting of Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen and United States Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California , USA, April 5, 2023. REUTERS-DAVID SWANSON

In the parking lot of the library where the meeting was taking place, supporters waving Taiwanese flags and pro-Taiwan and Hong Kong banners chanted “Jiayou Taiwan,” in Spanish for “Vamos Taiwan.”

In the midst of the gathering, a small plane flew over the library carrying a pro-Beijing banner reading: “One China! Taiwan is part of China!”

China vows retaliation

In the past, China has reacted with shows of military force to trips by Taiwanese presidents through the US, and also to visits to Taiwan by senior US officials.

When then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived on the island in August last year, Beijing responded with live ammunition drills, the largest in decades. In addition, they launched a missile on the island.

A crew member is photographed aboard a Taiwan Navy ship as he monitors the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy's aircraft carrier fleet led by the aircraft carrier Shandong which, according to Taiwan's Ministry of Defense , passed the Bashi Channel in the waters off the southeast coast of Taiwan.
A crew member is photographed aboard a Taiwan Navy ship as he monitors the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy’s aircraft carrier fleet led by the aircraft carrier Shandong which, according to Taiwan’s Ministry of Defense , passed the Bashi Channel in the waters off the southeast coast of Taiwan. via REUTERS – TAIWAN DEFENSE MINISTRY

After the meeting on Wednesday, the Xi Jinping government promised a sharp response, although it did not specify possible reprisals.

On Wednesday morning, several Chinese ships began a joint patrol and inspection operation in the central and northern waters of the Taiwan Strait.

Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense said it had tracked the Chinese Army’s aircraft carrier Shandong passing through the Bashi Strait towards southeast Taiwan.

In a statement, the same ministry said that “China’s deliberate action has endangered regional stability and has caused tension in the Taiwan Strait.” He added: “However, external pressures will not hinder our determination to move towards the world and defend our country.”

A diplomatic visit

For the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, there is nothing new in the tour of a Taiwan president through US territory. “Beijing should not use the transits as an excuse to take action, escalate tensions, push further to change the status quo“, he sentenced.

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said that “there is no reason for the Chinese to overreact” and that they will watch the situation “as closely as they can.”

The relationship between China and the United States is at a critical moment, not only because of the official visits of the two countries with high officials, but also because of the economic war unleashed between the two powers. Added to this, the shooting down of an alleged Chinese balloon over US territory in February strained relations. Washington assured that it was an espionage operation, a version that Beijing has sought to deny.

With AP, Reuters and EFE

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