economy and politics

Juan Carlos Monedero, the last fallen of the founding team of Podemos


Juan Carlos Monedero left the direction of Podemos a long time ago. But in reality he had never gone at all until this week, after the information of that reveal that the party received a complaint that accused him of “bothering and groading” several women. His march began to gestate in May 2023, when Ione Belarra decided to relieve it from the ‘Think Tank’ Republic and Democracy, the last formal position that linked him to training. And a few months later he even broke his link with Channel Red, the channel of Pablo Iglesias, next to the eleven years, on January 17, 2014, he launched the match at the neighborhood theater. “We set aside when we had testimonies,” said the general secretary of the party, Ione Belarra on Friday.

The Secretary General alludes to September 2023. It was then that a silent exit was forged in a complicated context for the party, months after the general elections of 2023 and when the relations with Sumar were already beginning to be unsustainable within the parliamentary group. He announced on September 14 that the party had asked him for the resignation to put the former Julio Rodríguez at the head of the Foundation. Belarra, despite the fact that the game had a complaint in writing since two days, thanked her “tireless work” in a message in networks.

As both parties have counted, the departure of the Foundation had occurred months before, by mutual agreement, and for political reasons: the differences between purse and the party on the drift of the project were public. The founder has denied any abuse and never, until this week, knew the reason why the party stopped summoning his actions. He learned after revealed this Thursday that two days before the announcement of his departure from the foundation, the direction of Pode He has access to them. ”

After revealing this means the existence of these complaints, the party repeats in public and in private that since then they stopped calling a public acts. According to the public agenda of Podemos, his last appearance in a rally was in May 2023, during the campaign for regional and municipal, in Galicia, four months before receiving that complaint in writing. The former director has insisted during the last days that he never had evidence that he had been separated from the events and in fact he was seen as part of the public in the political conference that we can celebrated in October of that year. He also continued to participate for months later in the debates of the CCE chat of the CCE, the most important organ between assemblies, in which for many years he has been a guest member.

“We can have to clarify things,” He said Friday Asked by two media about whether it is true that they separated him at that time. “They have never communicated anything to depart from the activity, outside that I had been out of all activities after some divergences with the direction. But I have continued doing things, although apart from the address, ”he explains in response to the questions of this newspaper.

The first response of the general secretary, Ione Belarra, was this Friday morning. “We immediately activate the protocol that is what had to be done and we made us available. At that time the victims decide not to continue. Although Juan Carlos Monedero had no charge and was a base militant, he acted as acts in any case, ”he said in statements to the media in what, beyond the explanations about his management of the case, the Definitive rupture of the party with one of its founders.

Because despite that public farewell among praise from Belarra to Monedero on the day they made his march from the Foundation public, the former leader continued to have a direct link with the party. “It is an indecency what they do. A strong hug, ”the leader of Podemos responded in January 2024 to an X message in which Monedero denounced a campaign of bulos against him.

This week, in which in addition to the internal complaints in Podemos an open investigation at the Complutense University – where classes for years – after a complaint of a student against him, the answers of the party about Monedero yes consume the rupture From a relationship that has been extended for more than a decade but in recent years, even before the party received the complaint, it had cooled for political and strategic differences. Monedero never approved the identity distancing and reinforcement strategy that the game undertook shortly before finally breaking with adding.

The history of Monedero and Pode of the Tuerka, the second laboratory, in the words of the former secretary general, for the birth of the party.

Monedero was in the genesis of the party, in the photo of the neighborhood theater, in the first executive, in the church lists for the first assembly of the party and also in a first image: the resignation of a party member. It was in April 2015, just one year after the Foundation.

“Maybe Juan Carlos is not a party man, Juan Carlos is an intellectual who needs to fly and perhaps being part of political formations management bodies is not always compatible with that someone like Juan Carlos can display the wings. We agree that it can be a much more useful figure for both Pode march.

Although Monedero got out of the organs, he did not do it. He participated in rallies, in the media and undertook a route through the different points of Spain where regional and local circles had emerged with people who had approached Podemos in that first year.

It is from those years the first complaint that, as several sources explain to this newspaper, reached the ears of the Management. A “very serious” event that a militant had lived and in which another woman would also have been affected, after an act of the party in Catalonia. At that time. The affected one told several people from Podem and the events arrived at the state area of ​​equality, which raised the issue “up” to inform the dome and ask for responsibilities.

The leadership according to these sources reported that if the women decided But he went to acts and had the maximum confidence of Churches.

So much so that the then leader of the party, after Vistalegre II, the Congress in which the ‘Pablismo’ was made with the control of the management after defeating the Íñigo Errejón team, began to call him as a guest at the meetings of the CCE .

That function sui generis It was consecrated by Ione Belarra when she took the controls of the party, in June 2021, after the departure of Iglesias. In the new management structure he created the figure of “permanent guest” to the meetings of the Citizen Council, a position in which he spent several years and that in fact kept him in the Telegram chat created for that organ until at least finals of 2023, months after the complaint.

After the fourth citizen assembly, the Directorate of Podemos also decided regional marked by the tense negotiations that add and we could maintain for a possible unity candidacy in the generals. Already then, purse, who never approved the decision of Iglesias to leave the leadership of space in the hands of Yolanda Díaz in that way, defended, however, the importance of unity while the direction, facing the second vice president, showed ostensibles reluctance

The unit was ending up in an in extremis agreement for the 23J elections and surely spurred by Sánchez’s unexpected turn, which advanced the elections just one day after the regional and municipal maneuvering margin. But the cracks between both parties would remain until the final break in December that Monedero understood but did not share, as he publicly expressed through different speakers, in interviews in media and opinion stands.

On September 12 of that year, the Secretariat of Feminisms of Podemos received an email from a woman who denounced Monedero for “bothering and handling” several women in party environments. The party’s leadership communicated to that complainant who put the case in the knowledge of the party’s guarantees commission. Two days later, the former director published a tweet in which he announced that he left the foundation of common agreement with Belarra. The general secretary thanked her for work: “We continue fighting together.”

Monedero continued in the CCE of the CCE at least a few more months although gradually their relations with the direction and with the churches themselves had to reject these strategic differences, although the former leader has always shown loyalty to the party that helped to found. In recent days he affirmed that all these complaints have the objective of damaging Podemos. “And what a coincidence that now that all infamous trials have ended, again to the load. And just when Podemos is going up in the surveys, I don’t know if it will have to do, but I’m afraid, ”he said Wednesday on his Telegram channel after the publication of audios that talked about alleged harassment of women on the other hand .

It had been a long time since the former leader was no longer on the first line of politics, but his break with Podemos is the fall of the last of the founders who presented to move to sign in the neighborhood theater. And just a few months after another of the most important people in the history of the party, Íñigo Errejón, resigned from all his positions in adding and abandoning the political life also involved in a scandal for complaints of sexual violence that continues to investigate a court from Madrid.

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