
Josep Borrell urges Israel to ensure that UNRWA continues to carry out its “crucial work” in the Middle East

Josep Borrell urges Israel to ensure that UNRWA continues to carry out its "crucial work" in the Middle East

The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrellhas urged the Israeli authorities this Saturday to guarantee that the United Nations Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Middle East (UNRWA) can continue to play their “crucial” work andn the region and warned of the “disastrous” consequences that the cessation of its activity would have.

“The European Union expresses its deep concern for the UNRWA bill currently being debated in the Israeli Parliament,” the High Representative said in a statement.

The Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee of the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset, gave its approval on October 6 to the implementation of a bill that, if finally declared, could lead to the suspension of UNRWA activities in the country.

In that sense, Borrell pointed out that the bill, if approved, “would have disastrous consequencespreventing the UN Agency from continuing to provide its services and protection to Palestinian refugees in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza” and said that “the EU urges the Israeli authorities to ensure that UNRWA is allowed to continue doing his job.”

Israel said in March that “a significant number” of UNRWA workers are “members of terrorist organizations”, although an external investigation said a month later that Israeli authorities had not provided sufficient evidence to prove alleged terrorist links.

Según el comunicado emitido por el Servicio Europeo de Acción Exterior (SEAE), la adopción final del proyecto de ley “derogaría el acuerdo de 1967 entre Israel y la UNRWA, detendría todas las operaciones de la UNRWA en Israel y Jerusalén Oriental, destruiría las operaciones vitales de la UNRWA en Gaza, obstaculizaría gravemente la prestación de servicios sanitarios, educativos y sociales en Cisjordania, y revocaría los privilegios e inmunidades diplomáticos de la UNRWA”.

La UNRWA presta servicios “esenciales” a millones de personas en Gaza, Cisjordania, incluida Jerusalén Oriental, y en toda la región, incluidos Líbano, Siria y Jordania, y “es un pilar de la estabilidad regional”, subrayó el jefe de la diplomacia europea.

“También desempeña un papel fundamental a la hora de garantizar las condiciones sobre el terreno para una vía creíble hacia la solución de dos Estados”, añadió.

Por este motivo, Borrell insistió en que la UE “se compromete a seguir apoyando al Organismo y sigue de cerca la aplicación de las recomendaciones del informe del Grupo de Revisión Independiente y las medidas decisivas que adopte la ONU para garantizar la neutralidad y la rendición de cuentas y reforzar el control y la supervisión de las operaciones del Organismo”.

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