
Jesus is truly found when we announce him

Francis’ reflection on the women at the tomb on Monday of the Angel: “If we keep his joy to ourselves, perhaps it is because we have not yet truly found him.”

Vatican City () – Jesus is found bearing witness to him. This is what Pope Francis said today, addressing the faithful gathered in Saint Peter’s Square for the prayer of the Regina Caeli Angel Monday, a day that for Christians prolongs the joy of the announcement of Easter. Commenting on the evangelical passage of the women next to the tomb on Easter morning, the pontiff stressed how the encounter with the risen Jesus occurred while they were already joyfully going to bring the disciples the announcement that they had found the empty tomb.

“Jesus comes out to meet them while they are going to announce it,” the Pope explained. “This is beautiful: when we announce the Lord, the Lord comes to us. Sometimes we think that the way to be close to God is to hold him against us; because later, if we expose ourselves and start talking about it, judgments, criticisms come , perhaps we do not know how to respond to certain questions or provocations, and then it is better not to speak. Instead, the Lord comes when we announce it. This is what women teach us”.

This is what happens with all good news, the Pope observed, giving the example of the birth of a child: “One of the first things we do is share this happy news with friends. And when we tell it, we also repeat it to ourselves ourselves and, somehow, we make it come alive in us.If this happens with the good news, it happens infinitely more with Jesus, who is not only good news, not even the best news in life, but life same”.

And then the women of the Gospel announce Jesus alive despite the fact that a whole city had seen him on the cross. “When we find Jesus,” Francis observed, “no obstacle can prevent us from announcing him. On the other hand, if we keep his joy to ourselves, perhaps it is because we have not truly found him yet.”

Hence the invitation to ask oneself: “When was the last time I gave witness to Jesus? Today, what do I do so that the people I meet receive the joy of his proclamation? And also: can someone, thinking of me, say “Is this person serene, is he happy, is he good because he has found Jesus? Let us ask Our Lady to help us to be joyful bearers of the Gospel,” the Pope concluded.

At the end of the prayer, the Pope recalled the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement for peace in Ireland. And – renewing his Easter wish – he invited them to continue praying for peace in the world, especially in the tormented Ukraine.

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