economy and politics

Jeff Bezos announced that he will donate his fortune in life: what will he use it for?

Jeff Bezos announced that he will donate his fortune in life: what will he use it for?

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos assured the American channel what are you planning donate most of his estate of 124,000 million dollars (around 595 billion pesos) throughout his life to combat the climate crisis and combat the deep social and political divisions in the world.

See: These are the richest people in the world, according to Bloomberg).

This is the first time that the businessman has made this statement, although he has not given details about how he plans to use his fortune in favor of the objectives that he has set.

Bezos, considered the fourth richest person in the world, according to the magazine Forbes, have used to date 10,000 million dollars, in the last 10 years in its foundation, to The environmental protection, which represents approximately 8% of its current capital.

(See: The richest men in the world, according to Forbes).

In the interview with pointed out that philanthropic work requires a lot of effort and assured: “There are a lot of ways I think ineffective things can be done as well, so you have to think about it carefully and you have to have brilliant people on your team.“.

Given the current economic situation, with numerous analysts warning about the possibility of a recession in the short or medium term, Bezos recommended to small businesses and people in general that avoid taking risks right now And that if you plan to make a large purchase, wait a bit.

(See: Musk, Bezos and Gates are not there: the richest families in the world).

The economy right now doesn’t look like it’s doing very well, things are slowing down, we’re seeing layoffs in a lot of sectors, odds are if we’re not in a recession right now we’ll be in a recession very soon so my recommendation to small businesses is don’t take risks now“, said.

(See: This is how technology millionaires have strengthened their fortunes).


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