
Italy is looking for Marco Raduano, the mobster who escaped from prison with a rope made of sheets

Italy is looking for Marco Raduano, the mobster who escaped from prison with a rope made of sheets

Italian authorities are looking for the mobster Marco Raduanowho escaped this Friday from a high-security prison on the island of Sardinia (east) by hanging down with a rope made of sheets, an escape for which the opposition has today requested the appearance of the Government.

The images from the cameras prison video surveillance captured the moment in which Raduano descended through the outer wall of the enclosure using several sheets tied as a rope, landed on the ground and fled the place.

the mobster stole some keys from prison staff at a time when they were not being guarded and opened the armored door of the High Security department to go out into the courtyard and jump over the outer wall of the center, according to the first hypotheses of the investigators reported by the media.

Given these facts, the Italian justice minister, Carlo Nordio, must appear in the country’s Parliament in the coming days to give explanations about the leak at the request of the parties 5 Star Movement and the Left Green Alliance (AVS).

Raduano, known as “Pallone”, is a member of the Gargano mafia, a violent criminal organization that operates in the Apulia region (south), in the Italian “boot heel”, and was serving a 19-year prison sentence for homicide, drug trafficking and illegal possession of weapons.

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After the escape, the Nuoro prosecutor’s office and the Ministry of Justice have opened two investigations that seek to clarify how the prisoner was able to escape from a high security prison without the prison staff noticing of his escape for more than two hours.

This escape is the first that the Badu ‘e Carros prison has experienced, a high-security center opened in 1970 and where several terrorists and gangsters are being held.

And Raduano was subject to the so-called AS3 regime, a protocol reserved for prisoners with managerial positions in drug trafficking organizations and which provides for increased surveillance of inmates.

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