
Israel’s Parliament approves a law to strip Israeli citizenship of those convicted of terrorism

Israel's Parliament approves a law to strip Israeli citizenship of those convicted of terrorism

15 Feb. (EUROPA PRESS) –

The Israeli Parliament has approved this Wednesday a law to remove the citizenship of people convicted of terrorism who receive funds delivered by the Palestinian Authority, a legislation that amends the Citizenship Law and that affects both Israeli citizens and permanent residents.

According to the information collected by the Israeli newspaper ‘The Jerusalem Post’, the vote ended with 94 votes in favor and ten against, which shows a consensus between the government coalition, made up of ultra-Orthodox and ultra-right parties, and the opposition formations .

The law states that both Israeli citizens and Palestinian permanent residents imprisoned after a conviction for terrorism will lose their nationality if they accept payments from the Palestinian Authority, either directly or through intermediaries.

The Israeli authorities have denounced on numerous occasions that the Palestinian Authority gives funds to people responsible for attacks or their relatives.

The government of Benjamin Netanyahu imposed a harsh round of sanctions against the Palestinian Authority after the Palestinian authorities’ success in having the International Court of Justice (ICJ) investigate the legality of Israeli settlements in occupied territory.

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