
Israeli protesters surround a police station during the interrogation of an activist

Israeli protesters surround a police station during the interrogation of an activist

June 26 (EUROPA PRESS) –

Hundreds of opposition protesters surrounded the Petah Tikvah police station on Monday where activist Itzik Medina was being interrogated for alleged plans to carry out violent actions. The activist has finally been released.

The Police have informed that Medina could march freely for the moment, according to the Israeli newspaper ‘The Times of Israel’ in its digital edition.

The police showed up at the Medina residence, on the outskirts of Tel Aviv, and informed him that they wanted to question him. The activist group Brothers and Sisters in Arms has explained that the agents arrived around dinner time.

The policemen gave him a summons to be questioned on Tuesday, but he himself decided to go to the police station, according to Hebrew media.

The Brothers and Sisters in Arms group summoned the hundreds of activists who surrounded the police station, reports Army Radio. “We have warned the whole world that this was coming and now it is here. It is a window to our future within a dictatorship, but the people will never give up,” argued activist Yiftach Golov.

Later it was reported that a driver was arrested in the area for running over one of the protesters who was slightly injured. The protesters have reported that the vehicle rammed into the protesters and hit one of them.

The vehicle made its way despite the attempts of the crowd to prevent its march, according to a video posted on social networks. A motorcycle policeman chased the car.

Israel has been in continuous protests for 25 weeks against the judicial reform promoted by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose objective is to give control of the Judicial Appointments Committee to the government party or coalition, which could also order the dismissal of judges in all courts, since that said body has the authority to do so, without the need for a consensus with the representatives of the judicial apparatus.

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