
Israel grants Energean permission to produce gas in Karish field after signing agreement with Lebanon

Israel grants Energean permission to produce gas in Karish field after signing agreement with Lebanon

Oct. 25 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The Israeli Ministry of Energy has granted permission to the gas company Energean to extract gas from the Karish field two days after the Israeli Supreme Court gave the ‘green light’ to the maritime agreement with Lebanon.

“As we have said throughout the process, gas production from the Shark platform will start as planned as soon as the technical conditions for production are completed,” Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid said on his Twitter profile. .

Likewise, it has reiterated that the production of natural gas in this location “strengthens Israel’s energy stability”, as well as promotes its position as energy exporters and “strengthens Israel’s economy and helps to face the world energy crisis”.

After receiving the proposal from the American mediator, Amos Hochstein, both Israel and Lebanon agreed to recognize the border set with buoys by Israel, allowing Lebanon to enjoy the exploitation of the area north of Line 23, including the Qana field. Thus, Israel will maintain control of Karish amid threats from the Lebanese Shiite militia party Hezbollah.

Israel and Lebanon — which are technically at war and do not maintain diplomatic relations — began a process of indirect talks in October 2020, mediated by the United States and held under the auspices of the United Nations at the headquarters of the international organization. in the Lebanese city of Naqura.

The negotiations have revolved around an area of ​​860 square kilometers that, according to both countries, are located in their respective Exclusive Economic Zones, a matter of special importance after the discovery of gas reserves in this area.

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