economy and politics

Inflation gives a break to the pocket of Mexicans in February

Inflation gives a break to the pocket of Mexicans in February

However, the Underlying inflationconsidered a better parameter to measure price behavior because it excludes goods and services whose prices are more volatile, remains above 8% (8.29%) at annual rate.

while index not underlying ended February in 5.65%.

Banco de México (Banxico) considered in the minutes published on February 23 “worrying” that the underlying index continues at “high levels” and that it maintains a greater “persistence than expected.”

Within core inflation, food, drink and tobacco ended the second month of the year at 13.7%, followed by the goods (10.65%) other services (7.51%) and non-food goods (7.22%), registered the highest increases at the annual rate, according to data from the National Institute of Statistic and Geography.

Refering to non-core inflation refers, the livestock (10.22%), agricultural (9.29%) and fruits and vegetables (8.12%) registered the highest increases.

At the monthly rate, general inflation had a variation of 0.56% compared to January. Core inflation registered a monthly increase of 0.61% and non-core inflation rose 0.4%.

By product, plantains (11.26%), eggs (9.04%), LP gas (4.06%) and chicken (3.77%) registered a higher monthly variation.

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