economy and politics

Indicators of Subnational Gross Domestic Product

Subnational development policy decisions based on the intensive use of relevant information optimize the use and allocation of economic resources, so it is important to have the largest amount of data and at the most detailed level possible.

The subnational accounts (CSN) constitute a tool of significant importance to know the structure of goods and services produced and their evolution in the different territories of a country. In this sense, the gross domestic product according to economic activities makes it possible to quantify its incidence and evolution in the administrative divisions, constituting a fundamental element for decision-making and planning the development of a nation.

The subnational accounts are prepared in the same way as an account at the country level, seeking to reflect on a more disaggregated scale the importance of the activities, their contribution to the nation and their interrelationship with the other subnational levels within the same country.

Based on the review of the information available in the agencies in charge of compiling the national accounts of the countries of the region, the subnational accounts for the last reference year were systematized according to the production approach (by economic activity). The information is presented in the country’s national currency and also in current dollars using the same harmonization methodology used to calculate the national accounts in dollars disseminated by ECLAC.

The Subnational GDP indicators are available for 11 Latin American countries, according to their respective administrative divisions: Argentina according to Jurisdiction/Province; Bolivia, Colombia and Peru according to Department; Brazil according to State; Chile according to Region; Ecuador according to canton and province; Mexico according to Federative Entity; Panama according to Province; and Costa Rica has a regionalized input-output matrix. In it frame 1 A synoptic summary of the main characteristics of the subnational accounts available in Latin America is presented.

Table 1:
Characterization of Subnational Accounts in Latin America and the Caribbean

countries Method used GDP approach used classifier base year Activities Regional disaggregation
Argentina Falling Production ISIC Rev. 3.1 2004 53 Province (24)
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Falling Production ISIC Rev. 2 1990 25 Department (9)
Brazil Mixed production-income ISIC Rev.4 2010 18 Federal entity (27)
Chili Falling Production ISIC Rev.4 2013 12 Region (15)
Colombia Falling Production ISIC Rev.4 2015 12 Department (33)
Costa Rica Downward MIP __ ISIC Rev.4 2017 __ Cantons (81)
Ecuador Falling Production ISIC Rev.4 2007 47 Province (24)
Mexico Falling Production SCIAN 2013 32 Federal entity (32)
Panama Falling Production ISIC Rev.3 2007 fifteen Province (10)
Peru Falling Production ISIC Rev.4 2007 12 Apartment (24)
Uruguay Falling Production ISIC Rev.4 2008 5 Department (19)

Source: ECLAC, based on official information available on the websites.

On this occasion, the following indicators that are found in CEPALSTAT for each of the 11 countries mentioned above:

  • Total annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by economic activity at current prices in national currency by subnational area
  • Total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita by economic activity at current prices in national currency by subnational area
  • Total annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by economic activity at current prices in dollars by subnational area
  • Total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita by economic activity at current prices in dollars by subnational area

Figure 1
Plurinational State of Bolivia: Gross Domestic Product by subnational area, 2021


In it figure 1the Gross Domestic Product per capita for the year 2021 is shown for the case of Bolivia (Plurinational State of) disaggregated according to departments, where we can see that the areas with the highest level of GDP per capita are Tarija, Oruro and La Paz.

graph 2
Colombia: Added value of agriculture, livestock, hunting, forestry and fishing, by subnational area, 2021
(millions of dollars)


In it graph 2the Added Value of Agriculture, livestock, hunting, forestry and fishing is shown for the year 2021 in the case of Colombia broken down according to departments, where we can see that the areas with the greatest participation in the national added value for that year are Antioquia, Cundinamarca, Valle del Cauca and Santander.

Users are invited to explore:

▪ indicators and statistics available in national currency following this link.

▪ indicators and statistics available in dollars following this link.

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