
India tightens control over information in the Kashmir region.

India tightens control over information in the Kashmir region.

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Evidence of the tightened control of the Indian authorities on the information about the conflict in Kashmir, the Indian photojournalist Sanna Irshad Matto, winner of a Pulitzer prize for her photographic reports, was unable to board a plane to France despite having all the papers fit to travel.

Sanna Isrhad Matto documents for the Reuters agency the daily life of its inhabitants and the religious and military tensions in this Muslim-majority state.

Like her, many journalists who have reported on the conflict in Kashmir have been banned from leaving the territory.

Sanna Irshad Matto was due to take the plane last Saturday to participate in a book launch in Paris during a photo exhibition in the southern city of Arles.

But once at the New Delhi airport, the security forces blocked her way, did not let her board, without giving her any explanation, despite the fact that her visa was in order. “Despite having a French visa, I was held at the immigration office at Delhi airport,” she denounced on social media.

Sanna Irshad Matto won the Pulitzer Prize in May 2022 for her coverage of Covid-19 alongside Danish Siddi qui, a reporter who was killed in Afghanistan.

His work in Kashmir, where he lives, annoys the Indian government.

Ever since the Narendra Modi government abolished Kashmir’s autonomy, reporting has become very difficult. According to several sources, the photojournalist would be included in a list of journalists who have been prohibited from traveling abroad.

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