Science and Tech

“In the Master there are very interesting courses, thanks to which we were able to have contact with people from the business world, which opens up a world of possibilities”

"In the Master there are very interesting courses, thanks to which we were able to have contact with people from the business world, which opens up a world of possibilities"

Jorge Molina, former student of the Master of Science in Animal Production UACh, finished the program 3 years ago and today is dedicated to business, however, he highlights what he has learned and the tools delivered in the Master for his current work.

Millaray Mariqueo, Science in Chile.- The Master of Science in Animal Production program was created in 1989 by the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the Austral University of Chile. Its objective is to train professionals who are capable of developing, executing and transferring research related to this area that contributes to the development of science and innovation associated with the demand of the productive sector.

Jorge Molina, graduated from the program 3 years ago, during his stay, he carried out his thesis project through research for measure the digestibility of 2 brassicas, turnips and raps, which is normally used for cattle, in pigs. The objective was to see if it was effective that these species could be used in the swine industry.

His sponsoring guide teacher was Mónica Gandarillas, current teacher and director of the program.

In this study, the results showed that the soluble content of these species also allows them to have better digestibility for the pig, “Thanks to this study, it was possible to observe that summer brassicas, such as turnips and raps, are feasible to use in the pork industry” indicated the student.

Today Jorge is dedicated to the business field in the area of ​​agronomy, where he points out that, although his current work is not directly related to the theme of the program, the tools provided have been useful to him to this day.

“There were courses that were very interesting thanks to which we were able to have contact with managers from, for example, Nestlé, which opens up a world of possibilities for you, as a student it allows you to grow and learn from these kinds of people, the fact of having a semester Completion to someone who was the president of a large company is a great opportunity.

In addition, everything that has to do with animal nutrition to this day helps me when I want to give, for example, advice, knowing nutrition in general helps you a lot, knowing the biochemistry behind it, knowing which They are the processes that are generated, it is a tremendous role that the master’s degree gives, not only in labor terms, it makes you grow as a person.

In any case, not only those courses, but in general all the branches that I had had excellent quality teachers, all of them, none of them is left behind, in each of the branches they give you the latest information”. In this area, Molina ends by indicating that the program is characterized by being constantly updated, providing the opportunity to broaden professional horizons.

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