economy and politics

In first person: A successful plan for rural Gambia

Guidom Sabally received a diploma at the end of his training course.

Guidom Sabally interrupted his education because his family could not pay school fees. After that interruption, Guidom struggled for many years, struggling to find work as an unskilled laborer.

Now in her 40s, Sabally was able to take advantage of the opportunity to receive a free technical training provided by the UN training program in 2018; Upon completion of the course, he found a job as an engineering technician, supervising the construction of sewers, as well as the construction of elevated highways that allow his community to traverse areas that are flooded as a result of climate change, which is affecting various parts of the country. .

Sabally explained to UN News that with the money he has saved, he has been able to diversify and become a successful poultry farmer.

“I live on my family’s land in the village of Brikamaba, where I was born, in the mid-river region of the Gambia. In the family we are 14 in total: my brothers and sisters, their children, and my father.

Life is difficult here. There are not enough jobs, and when there is work, it is generally only available for short periods. Here, people find it difficult to feed their family

When I left high school I felt sad. I knew that without an education it would be very difficult for me to learn the skills I would need to become a professional and advance in life. For several years it was difficult for me to find work.

UN News / Hisae Kawamori

Guidom Sabally received a diploma at the end of his training course.

Breaking through a new career

In 2018, a friend of mine heard a commercial on the radio about a free training course run by the UN, which would train me in the area of ​​construction. He told me and I applied.

It was not difficult for me to go back to school, even though I was already 38 years old at the time. The teachers knew how to help me. I learned various useful trades, including masonry, carpentry, painting, and decorating.

At the same time, I was able to earn money by working on a UN project on the construction of road culverts. At first, I was hired as a laborer, working with gravel, moving rocks, doing whatever was necessary.

After graduation, I was able to work on the next sewer project as a trained technician, and today I am supervising a team of 50 workers.

Elevated road in The Gambia built under the auspices of the UN and the European Development Fund.

UN Video / Hisae Kawamori

Elevated road in The Gambia built under the auspices of the UN and the European Development Fund.

Women can do the same things as men.

We have 25 men and 25 women because gender equality is an important part of the project. When it started, people in the community said that women could not do such work, but today they are seeing these benefits.

Women can work with their husbands and contribute money like them to improve their houses. They can also contribute to the decision-making, planning and construction process.

Women can do anything men can do, from fixing steel structures to masonry. We have to give them opportunities to show what they are capable of.

Adaptation to climate change

Sewer construction is very important due to climate change. The rains in The Gambia have become more and more extreme and have damaged the roads. They also allow the community to cross through flooded areas during the rainy season.

This will make a big difference. Children will be able to continue going to school, we will be able to access health care, and businesses will be able to produce.

The culverts will make everything easier now, because nowadays when there are big storms we have to take a much longer route to cross the water. These elevated highways will change our lives.”

A customer buys a chicken from Guidom Sabally.

UN News / Hisae Kawamori

A customer buys a chicken from Guidom Sabally.

the stomach is never full

The sewer project is hard work and I’m not getting any younger. In addition, it will gradually decrease, so it is important to learn about entrepreneurship and business to save part of the money you earn. My grandfather used to say: “My stomach is never full.” You always have to think about how you are going to get the next meal.

I decided to invest my savings in starting a poultry farm and it has worked well for me. I started with 50 chicks, and with the money I made selling eggs and chickens, I was able to buy a hundred. Is everything alright. I don’t have to go to the market; People look for me and I sell easily.

I am planning to rebuild the farm, add more lighting so I can buy more chickens. I would like to have about 600 chickens and give work to some of the unemployed youth in my community.

I would like to teach you what I have learned so that you can start your own business. I can’t do it all alone. More people need to understand the importance of saving and investing. Because even having millions, if they are spent in millions, you end up with nothing.

I am very glad that I learned while working on the sewer project, because now I am a professional bricklayer, and a successful poultry farmer.”

The course that Sabally received was part of the “Jobs, skills and finances” program in The Gambia, taught by the UN in collaboration with the International Center for International Trade, and with funding from the European Development Fund.

The program addresses persistent challenges, including the lack of job opportunities for youth and women, low levels of financial inclusion, and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

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