
"I love sausages and beer"Yoko Taro speaks in the middle of the mystery of NieR

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NieR: Automata It has resurfaced in recent days and is giving a lot to talk about thanks to a mystery that has just been discovered in the game and that until now no one has been able to solve. Having tried almost everything, the community has no more hope than to ask one of the main people in charge of the project, which they got, but the answer was not what they expected.

After a fan found a mysterious “church” in the game, something that had never been seen before, the community spiraled out of control. It’s funny how the posts on the title’s subreddit went from being about 2B’s hot attributes and cosplays to absolutely revolving around this mysterious church.

Several days have passed since the discovery, but the subject continues to give something to talk about. The community does not stop and has tried everything, such as trying to replicate the necessary conditions for the door that leads to the church to appear, but without success.

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Desperate fans asked Yoko Taro for help in unraveling the mystery of nier

With no more resources and in utter desperation, some players have tried to get in touch with the people behind this project to have mercy and reveal their precious knowledge to the fan community.

Fortunately, Yoko Taro, game director and lead creative for the series drakengard, nier and more, he was so kind to answer a fan who asked for some clue about this whole enigma.

The bad news is that the creative, although he responded to his follower’s request, did not share the information that was expected; In fact, he took advantage of one of his comments to let fans know that he loves sausages and beer.

In case you missed it: NieR: Automata in 5 years it has sold millions of copies.

Why didn’t Yoko taro talk about the mystery of nier?

This information could have broken many hearts, but the truth is that it was not Taro’s intention. We say this because the creative made it clear that he cannot speak about his games or products, since he is not authorized because that corresponds to the owners of the franchise; in this case, Square Enix.

This whole situation is so huge that the interest around the game has caused Taro to get a lot of followers in recent days, but he warns that they could be disappointed, since it does not usually offer the content they are looking for.

“Yesterday my number of followers increased by more than 1,000 accounts. But I’m not what you expect. I don’t usually tweet in English because I’m so dumb. And I love beer and sausage,” Taro said.

It is important to remember that another person in charge of the project, Yosuke Saito, its producer, has already spoken about it, but it did not help fans much to solve this enigma either, since he only mentioned that, in effect, it is an “eternal mystery”.

We will keep you informed.

¿Crees que alguna vez se descifrará este eterno misterio de NieR: Automata? Cuéntanos en los comentarios.

Puedes encontrar más noticias relacionadas con NieR si visitas esta página.

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