Science and Tech

How to keep your computer cool in summer

How to keep your computer cool in summer

As is logical, computers have a hard time when it’s hot, since to ensure that all their components are at an adequate temperature, the fans must work at full blast for much longer, so that no component of the computer reaches overheating .

It is clear that when we are at temperatures of more than 30ºC, many of the parts of the computer can reach have temperatures that we can consider as excessive, such as graphics cards, to give you an example.

So that this does not become an irremediable problem, it is best that we try to keep the computer as cool as possible, following a series of tips that we are going to explain to you in a moment.

Logically, we are going to divide the article into two parts, since when it comes to dissipating heat, laptops and desktops differ in certain aspects, so it is best to focus on each of them.


The normal thing when going on vacation is to take the laptop in case we need it at a given time. The problem comes when temperatures rise excessively, since, if this type of device is characterized by something, it is because it is easier for them to heat up.

It is necessary to follow certain guidelines to try to make it overheat as little as possible, otherwise we could have a serious problem with our laptop.

Avoid direct sunlight

We already know that we are in summer and that the sun is present practically at all hours of the day, but we must be very careful so that the laptop is not exposed to sunlight directly, something that can be really dangerous for this device.

If we are going to take it in the car, for example, it is best to store it in the glove compartment, if it fits, or place it somewhere where it is shaded. You must take into account that the sunlight intensively may damage certain components of the computer when the temperature rises excessively.

Laptop in the car

Something you should never do is leave the computer in the car if you are going to park it in broad daylight and with the sun beating down clearly.

Even if you place the laptop in an area of ​​the car where there is shade, the accumulation of temperature that the vehicle will suffer when it is stopped and in full sun, can damage your equipment.

A case

Having a portable toaster bag is something extremely important, since many of them come prepared for resist both moisture and heat and thus keep the device cool.

It is clear that, if the laptop is going to go with us on vacation, a cover of the type that we have just mentioned can become a Practically essential accessory.

Clean fan area

When temperatures are very high, the best thing we can do is keep the area where the fans expel hot air from the device very clean.

You should try to keep it free of dust and dirt so that the system works in the best possible way.

unplug it

As we are in summer and the heat is pressing, the best thing is that we load the device when the temperatures have dropped, since, if we do it at the moment when the degrees are higher, the computer will not only heat up because it is plugged in to the electrical network but also by the heat of the environment.

So whenever you can try to charge your laptop in the coolest place possible.

cooling base

The best accessory you can find to help dissipate heat from your laptop is a cooling base.

We place the computer on top of such a device and thanks to the auxiliary fans you have (we recommend a cooling base with minimum 3 fans) we get the temperature of the computer to drop quite a bit, which will mean that it will be better taken care of.

desktop computers

If you have a desktop computer, more or less the same thing will happen as with a laptop, since it does not get along too well with high temperatures either.

But the truth is that, since it is not a device that we can take from one place to another, the way to take care of them from the heat differs in some aspects.

tower placement

We imagine that it is something that you already know, but just in case it is necessary to comment that the place where we put the tower of our computer is essential when it warms up more or less.

We must invite to lock the computer in a place where it is difficult for it to dissipate the heat and much more if we are in the middle of summer.

It is advisable that the compartment where the computer is be 3 or four times bigger than the tower itself.

tower height

The height at which the tower should be placed is based rather on the knowledge that cold air is denser than hot air therefore, the latter tends to be higher.

This means that the ideal would be for the tower to be at a height of about 20 cm from the groundsince, if we had it directly in it, we would still gain in cold air, but we could absorb many more dust particles.

closed tower

No matter how high the temperatures we are experiencing, we should not leave our tower open, so must always remain closed.

We are not saying that if we open the sides of the tower, a better temperature will enter, but it will absorb such an amount of dust that the remedy is worse than the disease.

Air intakes and outlets

Another of the parts of our tower that should never be obstructed are the air intakes and outletssince they are one of the main parts to ensure that all internal components are at the right temperature.

This means that if we put the computer somewhere and right on that side we have an air outlet, by blocking it, the system will have a harder time cooling the hardware and, therefore, we could suffer a breakdown.


Another of the key points so that the temperature of the computer is always adequate is that both the exterior and interior are as clean as possible.

That is why it is very convenient clean them at least every 6 monthsespecially the inner part with respect to the dust and on the outside what the outlets and air intakes are.

Avoid overclocking

In case you don’t know the overclock is a technique used to increase the clock frequency of the computer.

said frequency is measured in hertz (cycles per second) and basically it is the speed at which the device is capable of performing the tasks entrusted to it.

There are certain components in a computer, such as the CPU or GPU, that have a clock frequency set by the manufacturer. When a user makes a overclock in any of these components, which you are making is a modification to the clockmaking it offer better performance.

In some cases, this system not only causes some components to work faster, but they also get hotter than they would with the frequency marked by the manufacturer.

That is why it is convenient that in times in which there is a lot of heat, the overclock does not workas we might make our fans can’t be powerful enough to dissipate the temperature, which would cause various problems.

If you are an expert in this type of modification, you will already have your meters to know that this overheating is not going to occur, but if it is not, it is convenient that you deactivate it just in case.

With everything that we have told you today, you can be a little calmer when it comes to working with your laptop or desktop when temperatures are very high.

These are extremely easy tips to comply with and with them what we are going to do is cover our backs against any type of breakdown due to the heat.

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