
How to Install Third Party Stores on iPhone

Geeknetic How to Install Third Party Stores on iPhone 1

Third-party stores on iOS are here

In recent months, Apple's ecosystem on the iPhone has been significantly altered. While it is true that the implemented modifications only apply in Europe and on iOS (they do not affect the iPad), they undoubtedly represent an important paradigm shift. If you have an iPhone and live in Europe, you can now switch from the App Store and install third party stores on iPhone. It doesn't look bad, right?

This is one of the functions of iOS 17, specifically in version 17.4. Although the stores have been waiting, it is now possible to install AltStore. Europe's demands go much further, forcing Apple to even allow third-party engines in browsers. Thus, Chrome and company will no longer be a kind of Safari with other people's services. We recommend you read about the changes in iOS that Apple has introduced to adapt to European regulations. They have no waste.

And what are we going to show you in this guide? Well let's go install AltStore on our test iPhone so that you know in depth what the procedure is to install a third-party app store on iOS. We tell you in great detail so that you also know how to take advantage of these changes.

How to install a third-party store on iOS step by step

Before continuing, we have to make some clarifications:

  • We will not analyze AltStore. Although we will take a look at its appearance and the app installation process offered by this alternative store, our intention is not to analyze the platform or give an opinion on it. The goal of this guide is to help you install third-party stores on iPhone.
  • Only from Safari. It seems that third-party app stores (and the apps you download from the Internet, which can also be done) are going to have to be obtained from the iPhone's native browser. Forget about downloading from Chrome, Firefox or Brave.
  • Only in Europe. If you are visiting us from a non-EU country, then forget about following the steps we mention below. Fortunately, there is an alternative method to install AltStore that we will tell you about briefly.
  • Remember to update the iPhone. Even if you have iOS 17, this method will not work if your device is not on version 17.4. It is crucial that you have downloaded all the updates that are available so far.

With these points on the table, it is time to begin the installation. These are the steps:

  1. The first thing is to visit the website of the store in question, which in this case is AltStore. There you must press on Get AltStore.

  2. The version we are interested in for this guide is AltStore PAL, which requires a subscription €1.50 per year plus taxes. In Spain it stays at approximately €1.80. It is fair that we mention that a large part of this amount is destined to pay the fees that Apple imposes to developers who market their stores outside the App Store framework. Because, yes, even if you use a third-party store, Apple takes a commission. If you do not want to pay or you are outside the European Union, remember that you can always install AltStore applications with AltServer. It is the complementary method that you have below, as you can see in the image above. The downside is that you will need to complete some additional steps and have a Mac or PC.

    Geeknetic How to Install Third Party Stores on iPhone 2

  3. We continue with the installation process. It's time to check out thanks to the Stripe payment platform. The exact amount is €1.82. Enter your payment information and take advantage of the fact that Apple Pay is available.

    Geeknetic How to Install Third Party Stores on iPhone 3

  4. Once payment is made, you will arrive at the download page. You are about to set up the store. Possibly this is the first time that you download an application on the iPhone from the browser, so take it as a historic moment. Jokes aside, now begins a journey of authorizations that makes the process quite difficult and, in our opinion, is quite unnecessary.

    Geeknetic How to Install Third Party Stores on iPhone 4

  5. When you touch Downloada message will appear saying that you must first authorize the installation of the store from the Settings. Press on Okay.

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  6. Go to the iPhone settings and notice that at the top of the list, just below the iCloud settings, an option appears called Authorize app store from “AltStore, LLC”. Tap to open this section.

    Geeknetic How to Install Third Party Stores on iPhone 6

  7. On the next screen, press Authorize.

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  8. Return to the website that you had loaded in Safari, the AltStore download page, and click on the download button. Then, in the pop-up notice, tap Install app store.

    Geeknetic How to Install Third Party Stores on iPhone 8

  9. Another alert appears on the screen informing you of all the good things that you are going to miss if you decide to continue. Press on Continue.

    Geeknetic How to Install Third Party Stores on iPhone 9

  10. You finally have the store installed on your iPhone. You can see it on the home screen, as if it were any other application.

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From now on, you can download the applications from that store on your device. How to do it?

Downloading applications without the App Store

From this moment on, all the steps we take are subject to the design and functionalities of AltStore. Because it is the only store available at the moment (more will come, no doubt), we have not been able to compare with other alternatives to the App Store. However, we are convinced that There are not going to be too many differences between application stores. In fact, the procedures proposed by AltStore are very similar to those of the App Store.

AltStore has an area News (it is not in Spanish, for now) where the news of its applications appears. The catalog of this store is currently two applicationsalthough it is expected that more developers will join this proposal.

Follow these instructions to download apps from outside the App Store using AltStore:

  1. Once you have located the application you want to install, you just have to press the button Freeif it is free.

    Geeknetic How to Install Third Party Stores on iPhone 11

  2. An installation button will appear on the screen. We are going to try with Delta, an emulator of several classic consoles with some interesting options, such as the possibility of playing with AirPlay or synchronizing games in the cloud. We play in Install Delta.

    Geeknetic How to Install Third Party Stores on iPhone 12

  3. And, once again, Apple's paternalism reappears with a full-screen notice indicating that everything related to this app will be managed through AltStore. Press on Install the app to continue.

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  4. There is also a chance that an app is not free or requires a donation. In that case, AltStore reports this matter with a notice in which you must click on Continue.

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  5. Because it is not linked to the App Store, payments are made through the platform of the store or app owner's choice. In this case, we have been redirected to Patreon.

    Geeknetic How to Install Third Party Stores on iPhone 15

This way, you will be able to install applications from a market other than the App Store.

There is still a long way to go for Apple

And what do we think of this whole process? We are very clear that, behind the supposedly well-intentioned notices from Apple that appear every time something is installed outside the App Store, there is a interest in discouraging action. It is something that we do not like, nor are we attracted to the idea that these changes are only for Europe and the iPhone. If you have an iPad, you won't be able to enjoy the apps you buy from other stores from your phone. A nonsense.

Geeknetic How to Install Third Party Stores on iPhone 16

Apple is reluctantly complying with the law, looking for loopholes to change its policies as little as possible. He has even converted the situation in order to profit (You can see the rates and conditions here) with many of the installations taking place outside their domains. Taking as reference what happens on android, the company should not fear. Most likely, most transactions will continue to be made from the App Store, as is the case with the Play Store. The point is that users can choose, ideally around the world and on all devices. We believe that this implementation has a long way to go and possibly some adjustments by the European authorities.

End of Article. Tell us something in the Comments!

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