economy and politics

How to follow the First Meeting of the Conference on South-South Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean

The First Meeting of the Regional Conference on South-South Cooperation It will be held from May 30 to 31, 2023 at the headquarters of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), in Santiago, Chile. The objective of the meeting is to analyze the progress and challenges for South-South cooperation in the region.

The meeting will open on Tuesday May 30 at 9:00 am Santiago de Chile time (GMT-4) by José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), and Adriana Cristina Bolaños Argueta, Director of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of Costa Rica.

The intergovernmental meeting will feature special interventions by Santiago Cafiero, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship of Argentina (video message); Pilar Cancela, Secretary of State for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of Spain, and Claudia Sanhueza, Undersecretary of International Economic Relations of Chile, among other authorities.

Representatives of the governments of the 33 countries of the region, agencies, funds, and programs of the United Nations system, international financial institutions and development banks, regional and subregional integration organizations, and academia will participate.


On the meeting website,, you can find general information on the event, the program, the reference documents and the press releases and news, as well as links to ECLAC’s social media. The various participating actors are also detailed, among other information resources.

Live broadcast

All the panels of the meeting will be broadcast live through the following platforms:

Any media or organization is free to replicate the transmission on their own internet portals.


We will be tweeting in Spanish and English from the two institutional accounts, @cepal_onu and @eclac_un, with the hashtags #CooperaciónSurSur and #SouthSouthCooperation. We will also use #CEPAL and #ECLAC.


Through our Facebook pages ( and, we will share various contents about the meeting.


The entire conference will be available on our YouTube channels for later consultation. subscribe to and


High resolution photographs of the event will be published on the institutional accounts on Flickr: and The corresponding credits will be published in each image and the media will be able to use them freely, citing the credit.

For inquiries, contact:

ECLAC Public Information Unit in Santiago de Chile. Email: [email protected]; Telephone: (56 2) 2210 2040.

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