economy and politics

How can I check with the ID card if I apply for any subsidy?

Digital ID

The various social programs that Colombia has mainly aim to reduce poverty, ensure families access to basic services and apply strategies that eliminate economic gaps as well as social, cultural and environmental gaps. If you have doubts and want to know if you have any benefits, you must follow the following steps.

What social programs exist in Colombia?

Although there are various aids, there are some specific programs on which the national government relies. We can find the following.

Citizen Income:

Implemented to provide comprehensive support to families living in conditions of poverty and extreme poverty.

Colombia Without Hunger:

It is part of Citizen Income and its objective is to provide food security to those families in extreme poverty or who are from indigenous communities.

VAT refund:

This program seeks to mitigate the impact of VAT on the poorest households, returning a specific amount to beneficiaries to alleviate their financial burden.


It is not a social program, but it is a very important system to identify and classify families that can access different social programs according to their level of vulnerability.

Training Programs:

They support those who want to study, enter the world of work and generate new opportunities for their future.

(More: Young Income 2024: when do they pay the fifth cycle? The exact date)

Digital ID

National Registry

How do I know with my ID if I have any benefits?

1) The first step is to access the Social Prosperity website.

2) Look for the section to consult Solidarity Income beneficiaries.

3) Enter your ID number to verify if you are registered as a beneficiary.

4) You must be registered in Sisbén, but it is not necessary to register, since families are selected automatically.

(More: The Latin American countries that would be powers in 25 years, along with China and the US)

5) If so, you will receive a text message from the financial institution that will notify you about the available transfers.

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