Shogakukan recently announced that the manga Hotel Inhumanscreated and illustrated by Ao Tajimawill be adapted into an anime series that is expected to be ready to premiere in 2025. This news has excited fans of Japanese manga and animation, who are looking forward to this innovative project directed by Tetsuro Amino, known for his work in Macross 7 and Shiki. The production of the anime will be carried out by the Bridge studio.
Hotel Inhumans began publishing in June 2021 on the website Sunday Webry from Shōgakukan and managed to capture the attention of readers due to its entertaining premise. The manga has been well received in Japan. To date, it has a total of eight compilation volumes and the ninth is scheduled for release this November 2024.
The plot revolves around a very peculiar hotel, whose main purpose is to serve a very special group of clients: professional murderers. In that building, as luxurious as it is dangerous, an atmosphere is created that is promised to be equally fascinating in its animated version.
At this hotel, two concierges, Sara and Ikurou, are responsible for meeting the needs of deadly guests without asking questions. In addition to offering top-notch amenities such as exquisite cuisine and high-end entertainment, the hotel also provides quite out-of-the-ordinary services such as an assortment of modern weapons, the creation of fake identities, and even a high-quality housekeeping service for get rid of any “trace” that may remain after a mission.
Despite the risks that come with working in a place like this, the two janitors find themselves in a situation where they cannot refuse the killers’ requests, taking viewers with them through a series of dangerous and fraught situations. strain.
The anime’s official website has described the story as follows: “The best hotels have specific qualities. Luxury restaurants, sublime comfort, captivating entertainment and… Access to the latest weapons? Reliable fake identity documents? Flawless body disposal? Ikuo and Sara are two janitors on the brink of death who can never say ‘no’. How do you respond to requests from professional killers? “The curtain rises on a deadly hotel drama!”
The fact that the story has as its protagonists these two unfortunate janitors, who find themselves trapped in the requests of the murderers, offers a different and original perspective on the world of organized crime.
Throughout the series, the characters must face different challenges, dangers and ethical dilemmas while meeting the demands of their clients.
Tetsuro Amino, who directs this adaptation, has vast experience in the animation industry, having worked on renowned titles such as Macross 7 and Shiki.
The script will be written by Shoji Yonemura, who also has a promising track record, having worked on series such as Parasyte -the maxim- and Wave, Listen to Me!. The character designs will be done by Shingo Fujisaki, known for his work in Let This Grieving Soul Retire!
The anime adaptation is scheduled for release in 2025, and more information about casting and other production details is expected to be revealed in the coming months.
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