Escalation of Freedom is, in the words of Arrowhead Game Studios, “the first step in a long road where we will expand the game. In many ways and in significant ways.” For starters, the update introduces new threats including the Impaler, a monstrosity from the original Helldivers that will present a new challenge. “You will no longer be able to escape from the bugs when the Impaler is around; as large, imposing and destructive as it is, it will have to be defeated,” warns the development team.
The second addition to the bug lineup is the Spore Loader, which is shrouded in fog that hides its location. Third and last is the Alpha Commander, a powerful nest commander who, in addition to being larger and more aggressive, can call for reinforcements. Meanwhile, the automatons will add to their ranks the rocket tank, as well as “some other robotic surprises that we will give you.”
Arrowhead Game Studios says that players don’t just want more bugs, more bots, more liberation, and more destruction, they also want a bigger challenge. That’s where CC 10: Superhelldiver comes in, “our most grueling and unforgiving difficulty level yet,” the development team says. The rewards will be better, too. This new difficulty level (or any other) can be tested on new mission objectives and expanded enemy outposts, both bot and bug. The goal is to add more variety to the missions and introduce new rewards.
Finally, Arrowhead Game Studios comments that it will take advantage of the release of the Escalation of Freedom update to “make some changes to mitigate the issue of bans due to griefing and boycotting.” The situation will be addressed with a system where if a player is kicked, they will appear as the host of a new session with all of the team’s loot from the previous session. This way, the kicked player can collect all of the items before extracting. Additionally, the update will implement practical improvements, including some important fixes.
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