economy and politics

Gustavo Bolívar resigns from the Senate

Gustavo Bolívar resigns from the Senate

A resolution signed by the president of the Senate, Roy Barreras, known this Saturday, December 31, reports that the Board of Directors of said chamber accepted the resignation of the senator Gustavo Bolívar Moreno.

Through his Twitter account, he wrote: “I have made the decision to resign from the Senate. This Monday I begin to write a novel for the RCN Channel and the disability regime prevented me from doing so. With total transparency, it left open a possibility of participating in the 2023 elections, which has not yet been defined . Thank you”.

Bolívar resigned from his seat of the Historical Pact in the Congress of the Republic, a possibility that had been on the table for the last few days, but was only confirmed until the last day of 2022, the deadline to resign from the legislature in order to run for the regional elections. and venues for the following year without incurring any disability.

Board of Directors accepts resignation

Resolution 166, dated December 31, 2022, established that the Board of Directors of the Senate of the Republic, based on the legal powers of Law 5 of 1992, accepted the resignation of Gustavo Bolívar.

It also informs that the provisions of said regulation for the replacement of the congressman will be complied with.

Bolívar’s political career

Gustavo Bolívar is a renowned writer, businessman, journalist and screenwriter. He entered Colombian politics in 2018, when he first served as a senator of the Republic. At that time he became the leader of the Colombia Humana movement and one of the great squires of today’s president, Gustavo Petro.

Bolívar has written more than 8 books and more than 1,600 scripts including journalistic programs, docudramas, series, novels, documentaries and film scripts. At the end of the 1980s, he was a member of the gallant youth and worked for eight years in the Council of Bogotá as a political adviser to Enrique Parejo González.

In 2018, he ran his name to the Colombian Senate, through the Decentes coalition endorsed by the Movimiento Alternativo Indígena y Social (MAIS), obtaining a seat as senator with 122,218 votes, the fourth highest vote in Colombia.


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