Science and Tech

Google Play Store implements the function that allows you to uninstall ‘apps’ remotely on linked devices

Google Play Store interface

Google Play Store interface – UNSPLASH

May 29. (Portaltic/EP) –

Google Play Store has begun rolling out functionality that allows users to uninstall apps or services from their devices linked to a Google user account remotely.

The company is modifying its official application store and, recently, has added a section in the information of the services it offers and highlights how to proceed to delete the user account.

Now, the firm has also implemented a function related to the uninstallation of applications, as noted by Android Police, which reminds that currently it is possible to install applications remotely, but do not eliminate them in the same way.

To remove an app from Play from an Android device, however, you must use the smartphone or tablet on which it is downloaded; and use the Google Play Store to access the ‘Manage applications and devices’ section, as Google explains in its support page.

The new app store functionality, discovered months ago and now quietly implemented, as warned by the developer known as AssembleDebug, allows users Uninstall apps from other devices linked to a Google account remotely.

This functionality is included in the section ‘Manage apps and device‘ from the Google store, where a menu is displayed with the different devices on which the service you want to eliminate is installed.

This function will allow you to manage the memory availability on all devices linked to the Google user account, by being able to remotely delete the applications that are least used or those that take up the most.

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