Science and Tech

Google opens the AI ​​Test Kitchen app to the public to test its advanced chatbox LaMDA

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26 Aug. (Portaltic/EP) –

Google has opened to the public the test of the new version of its LaMDA conversational model with the AI ​​Test Kitchen app, so they can experience first-hand a conversation with this advanced ‘chatbox’.

Google announced in May, within the framework of the Google I/O 2022 conference, the second version of the LaMDA conversational model, with which it is already capable offer multiple subtasks or advice based on a user request.

For example, if the user types “Imagine I’m at the deepest part of the ocean…”, LaMDA can reply, “You’re at the bottom of the ocean! There’s a giant sea serpent swimming right over your head!” It’s a moray eel! It looks like it’s waving at you!”

The test of its operation is available in the AI Test Kitchen app, also announced in May. Now the technology company has announced its opening to the public, although gradually and with a waiting list.

LaMDA is a generative language model, which means that “can produce text from anything” because it “recognizes patterns in the language that predict what comes next”, as explained in AI Test Kitchen website.

With this application, Google seeks the experience of those who try it to adjust the development of LaMDA and improve its security. Plus, according to the company, “it gives a glimpse of what it could be like to have LaMDA in your hands and use it for things that matter to you: creativity, planning, learning, and more.”

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