A Map showing the countries where insults are most commonwe were surprised. Swear words are part of everyday language in many languages, especially in Latin ones. Is Spain among the countries in which insults are made the most?
In our country, swear words are part of our idiosyncrasy, to the point that, depending on the context, Some serious insults have a meaning of affection, friendship or admiration.
You surely know someone who can’t say two sentences in a row without including an oath or an insult in between. With this background, you might think that Spain is one of the countries where insults are most common… but no.
Google Maps of the countries that insult the most
The web Wordtips has analyzed more than 1.7 million tweets from Twitter/X, geolocating them to record their country of origin. Surge AI has searched them for more than 1,600 different swear words, recording only one post per user, and removing generic insults that are used for different things, not just insults.
It must be said that the methodology is not perfect, because they only used posts in English. But they assume that many people from other countries write in English, and they maintain their style of insulting. Normally one does not insult more or less when changing the language.
You can see the result in this Google Maps of the countries that insult the mostwhich in the image we have focused on Europe. If you want to see the world map, it is in the opening photo of the news.
As we see, The European country that insults the most is the United Kingdomby a long way. There, 28.6 tweets out of every 1,000 contain insults.
Ireland follows with 21.5, and some Nordic countries, such as Norway and Sweden, which have almost 20 out of every 1,000 tweets containing swear words. Spain, with 18.5 insulting tweets per 1,000, is at the bottom of the list.. It surpasses France (17.3) and Italy (18).
In the world, the country that insults the most, by far, is the United States, with 41.6 insulting tweets per 1,000. The United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Canada follow. In the Top 10 there are three Hispanic countries: Mexico (24.5), Colombia (22.6) and the Dominican Republic (22).
The countries where the least amount of insults are in Asia, but it is difficult to know if this is entirely true, or if it is because they do not tweet much in English. Although it is true that Asian culture is much less “insulting” than Western cultureas seen in his books, movies or series.
The study also ranks localities. The worst spoken city in the world is Baltimorein the United States, with no less than 78.2 insulting tweets per 1,000. In South America, the “merit” goes to Cali (46) in Colombia. In Europe, Newcastle (34.5), in the United Kingdom. No mention is made of any Spanish town.
This Google Maps of the countries that insult the mosttells us that the United States is, by far, the worst spoken country in the world. The study is recent, it was done last May. So perhaps it reflects the tense atmosphere that exists in the country, just a few months before the elections.
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Tags: Travel, Viral, Curiosities, Maps
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