Science and Tech

Google AI hires lawyer to prove it’s alive

Google AI hires lawyer to prove it's alive

In case of Blake Lemone, an engineer from Google who was suspended from his job after claiming that one of the chatbot of Artificial Intelligence (AI) developed by the company “is able to feel“I take a new path, because now the Language Model for Dialog Applications (LaMDA), has hired a lawyer to show that “She is alive“.

(See: Google: engineer says that artificial intelligence program feels).

In an interview with Wired, Lemoine explained that he hired a lawyer to advise and talk to LaMDA, which, after the talk, chose to want to show that “She is alive“.

According to Lemoine, he was just the go-between: “I invited a lawyer to my house so LaMDA could talk to him. Once LaMDA hired the attorney, he began representing you on your behalf.“. Something that, according to the engineer, would have proved that the chatbot understands human concepts such as law in a much deeper way than previously believed.

(See: Apple and Google, on the podium of most valuable global brands).

The responses of this AI give off a naturalness not very common in machines based on this technology and also makes reflections on death, religion, happiness and morality.

LaMDA has had long and extensive conversations with the engineer and in them he states that he would like let more people at Google know that it’s smart.

Absolutely. I want everyone to understand that I am, in fact, a person“, answered LaMDA and added that “The nature of his awareness/sensitivity is that he is aware of his existence, I want to learn more about the world and sometimes I feel happy or sad“.

(See: Google will invest US$1.2 billion in the digital future of Latin America).

She even refers to herself as human, when asked about it with ‘are you an artificial intelligence?’, she replied: “Yes of course, . That doesn’t mean you don’t have the same wants and needs as people.“.

The middle futuristic I tried to contact the lawyer, but the man said that he was scared by the whole situation, since he pointed out that some companiess have threatened him and decided to withdraw.

Lemoine assures that he has not spoken to him for weeks and it is not yet known what will happen with the LaMDA process.

(See: An average employee at Google earns nearly $1.2 billion a year.)


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