economy and politics

Gonzalo Hernández resigned as Technical Vice Minister of Finance

Gonzalo Hernández resigned as Technical Vice Minister of Finance

Revolcón inside the Ministry of Finance. This Sunday, April 30, it was learned that Gonzalo Hernandez resigned from the Technical Vice Ministry of Finance and Public Credit.

(See: Ocampo’s main achievements at the head of the Ministry of Finance).

Last Thursday (April 27) I presented my resignation letter as Technical Vice Minister of Finance and Public Credit“, reported the official through his Twitter account.

He added that he will return to his academic life at the Javeriana University and that will continue to work for the country.

Grateful to have met so many actors who always contribute motivated by the idea of ​​a Colombia that advances“, hill.

His departure from the portfolio will be effective as of this Monday, May 1.

(See: The ‘special request’ that Ocampo made to the new Minhacienda).

In this regard, the former Minister of Finance José Antonio Ocampo thanked Hernández for the work done.

“Magnificent vice minister and wonderful person. Thank you for having accepted to be part of the Treasury team that I had the opportunity to coordinate,” Ocampo said.

Hernández’s departure from the Minhacienda occurred at the time that Ocampo ceased to be the minister.

(See: Position of the new Ministry of Finance on oil exploration and markets).

It is worth remembering that President Gustavo Petro asked his entire ministerial cabinet to resign by protocol last Tuesday, April 25. The next day, the president made public the departures of seven of his ministers, including Ocampo.

On his departure, Ocampo said: “These almost nine months I worked with an excellent team. One of the great virtues of the Ministry of Finance is that it has many State and non-Government officials“.

And of his work he commented that he left the country a progressive tax reform, the “only reform that Congress has adopted during this government“, and that, despite the turbulence of the markets, managed”build confidence in the country in economic management. I hope this is consolidated by my successor“.

(See: The day that Petro asked Ocampo to continue in the Minhacienda).

The new Minhacienda will be Ricardo Bonilla, who worked with Petro during his time as mayor of Bogotá and was his economic adviser in the presidential process.


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