Developed by Sucker Punch Productions, Ghost of Tsushima is an action and adventure game that takes us to 1274, when the Mongol army led by General Khotun Khan advances in its campaign to conquer the East with the invasion of the Japanese island of Tsushima. The local samurai try to repel the occupiers, but they are defeated. Despite everything, Jin Sakai, our protagonist, remains steadfast and as one of the last survivors of his clan, he is determined to do whatever it takes to recover his home.
The first thing Jin Sakai will learn is that he cannot defeat the Mongols with samurai tactics alone. If he wants to fulfill his mission, he must adopt strategies typical of guerrilla warfare that include assaults, ambushes, raids and lightning attacks. His combat style will offer you different options. Jin uses a katana, has access to bows, and can adopt various stances depending on the enemy. Direct attack is an option, but the samurai also has stealth, an alternative that is accompanied by an arsenal that includes smoke bombs, distraction elements, kunai and a blowgun.
The Director’s Cut presents all the content, so starting in the second act when the player reaches the Toyotama region the Iki campaign can be accessed.
The big draw of Ghost of Tsushima is the single-player campaign, but it also offers multiplayer called Legends. Legends mode is a co-op where two players can complete story missions; In Survival mode, up to four players can gather to carry out missions and raids; while in Rivals mode two two-member teams compete to defeat waves of enemies. The multiplayer has its own progression and rewards system and is compatible with the crossplay.
The version of Ghost of Tsushima for PC is carried out by Nixxes Software, which among other things has been responsible for adding support for all the features that players can expect from this platform, including an unlocked frame rate, options to adjust the experience visual, support for scaling and frame generation technology (DLSS 3, FSR 3 and XeSS). Additionally, this game is the first to use the PlayStation interface which includes friends list, trophies, settings and profile. “Use of the PlayStation interface is optional for both the single-player experience and Legends mode,” says Sony.
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