
German Parliament delegation arrives in Taiwan amid tensions with China

German Parliament delegation arrives in Taiwan amid tensions with China

TAIPEI, Oct. 23 (DPA/EP) –

A delegation from the German Parliament arrived in Taiwan this Sunday amid the upsurge in historical tension over China’s sovereign ambitions over the island.

The delegation is a group of six members of the Bundestag Human Rights Commission that will visit Taiwan for four days to “support” on behalf of the German government coalition “democratic countries”, according to the head of the delegation, Peter Heidt, in a statement.

“China is willing to annex Taiwan, if necessary, even by force,” the Liberal Party (FDP) deputy warned. “China’s threats should not stop us from visiting and supporting Taiwan as a state that shares our values ​​of democracy and freedom,” he stressed.

The group was greeted by Taiwanese Vice Foreign Minister Ming Yen Tsai upon their arrival at Taoyuan International Airport.

Taiwan has had an independent government since 1949, but China considers the island part of its territory and opposes any form of official contact between the island republic and other countries.

According to Xavier Chang, the spokesman for Taiwanese President Tsai Ing Wen, a closer partnership between Taiwan and Germany will help strengthen the global democratic resistance.

Heidt has precisely emphasized that this trip aims to deepen bilateral relations. “Taiwan’s independence is extremely important to us,” the deputy stressed, referring to the leadership of the Asian country in the production of semiconductors.

“The agenda includes issues related to human rights, such as the death penalty, and the question of how to deal with disinformation campaigns,” the statement added.

China interprets these international visits as a recognition of the independence of the island and usually reacts with military exercises while maintaining its rhythm of almost daily incursions into the security zone of the Taiwan Strait.

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